Zhubanov University polyclinic carries out a complex of outpatient activities aimed at health protection, prevention and treatment of diseases in University students.
The polyclinic works within the Guaranteed Volume of Free medical care (GVFMC): PHC, emergency medical care, emergency inpatient care, screenings, palliative care, outpatient care for tuberculosis, advisory diagnostic care.
All these services are provided free of charge for students attached to the University's polyclinic.
The clinic is equipped with all necessary medical equipment.
Admission is carried out by qualified specialists with the highest, first and second qualified categories.
Reception is conducted by the following specialists:
general practitioner;
obstetrician-gynecologist (for observation of pregnant women);
doctor-ultrasound diagnostics;
laboratory doctor;
There are auxiliary medical and diagnostic rooms:
clinical and biochemical laboratory;
treatment room;
vaccination room;
physiotherapy room;
ECG room;
the office of the CSO and autoclave;
the study of sputum collection;
dental office;
office of pre-medical reception;
Ultrasound study.
Clinic schedule: from 08.00 to 20.00
Attachment to the clinic is carried out by the State service-Attachment to the clinic.
For students over 18 years of age, the attachment must be carried out on the EDS, under 18 years of age-at the request of parents with confirmation of their IIN.
In addition, the clinic conducts a medical examination: form 086 / y-medical certificate for admission to UNIVERSITY or work, registration of a sanitary book for living in a hostel.
When entering the University, the applicant must provide, along with the form 086 / u-form 063/u (vaccination card) with two copies, if there is a form 086 / u from another medical institution, provide a fluoro film for the 2nd reading according to government Decree No. 627 of 19.06.2013 for the prevention of tuberculosis.
Medical examination form 086 / u, sanitary book are issued on a paid basis, according to the price list of paid services of the University polyclinic, approved by the rector.
Our address: Aktobe, 280,Br. Zhubanov street.
8 (7132) 56 36 77 - registry