Acquaintance with Zhubanov university will begin with the administrative building, which is located on 263 Br.Zhubanov street,. Here is the rector's office.
Phone for inquiries: 8 (7132) 54-85-16.
A few minutes 'walk from the rector's office is located Educational building №1 named after M.Aryn, it stands at the intersection of A. Moldagulova Avenue and Br. Zhubanov street. Today, the main building of the University houses the faculty of natural Sciences, professional and creative faculty and pedagogical faculty. Also here you will find modern, modernized and equipped with the latest technology scientific laboratories, training and production rooms, as well as a cozy Palace of students, a complete sports complex, a swimming pool and a library.
Phone for inquiries: 8 (7132) 24-95-74.
Educational building №2 named after B.Suleimenov, located 100 "A" Turgenev street, is represented by faculties with four operating departments-geography, history and methods of teaching history, national history and historical disciplines, as well as the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines. For example, at the faculty of" History "there are departments: History and religious studies, History and methods of teaching history, Geography, research laboratory"History, Ethnography and archaeology". By the way, the material and technical base of the faculty meets all modern requirements. In the location of students there is a library with two reading rooms, a Museum of local lore, history rooms, computer classes, a conference room, an Assembly hall and much more.
Phone for inquiries: 8 (7132) 54-58-82.
#3 Educational building (263 Br. Zhubanov street, 3 section) is considered to be the Foundation of the technical faculty, because it was founded as a Polytechnic school in the 80s of the XX century. The technical faculty itself was founded in 1996 and is one of the major structural units of Zhubanov university, which provides training of technical personnel with higher professional education for enterprises and organizations of various industries of the national economic complex of Kazakhstan. Today, the technical faculty has four departments-the Department of construction, the Department of road transport and traffic management, the Department of metallurgy and mining and the Department of oil and gas. Also the faculty provides training of highly qualified personnel in 8 specialties of a bachelor degree. More detailed information can be obtained by phone: 8 (701) 642-23-08.
#4 Academic building -here is the faculty of physics and mathematics, which was established in 1966 and has become the leading educational and scientific center of the region for training and conducting fundamental research in the field of mathematics, physics, information systems. There are 3 departments in the structure of the faculty-mathematics, physics and Department of Informatics and information technologies. The faculty trains personnel in 9 specialties of bachelor's degree, 6 specialties of master's degree and 1 doctoral degree.
#5 Educational building in the old part (4 Altynsarin street,) of the city initially began its work on the basis of a branch of the Almaty Institute of transport engineers. Thus, the Institute of Economics and law was reorganized into the faculty of Economics and law. At present, the faculty carries out purposeful work on training of higher and postgraduate education for sectors of the national economy.
Phone for inquiries: 8 (7132) 22-15-02.
Educational building №6 named after N.Baiganin 7 "A" Grishina St., unites students of faculty of foreign languages and faculty of Philology. By the way, the faculty of Philology was opened in 1966 and the first students enrolled in the specialty "Russian language and literature". The building officially opened its doors in March 2013. On the basis of the faculty of foreign languages there are 3 departments - the Department of "Translation", "Foreign language: two foreign languages" and the Department of "Foreign Philology". Philologists continue their activity in the academic building as followers of the Professor-linguist, with whose name our University is historically associated.
Telephone for inquiries: 8 (7132) 54-58-82, 8 (7132) 53-31-05