In honor of the 85th anniversary of the Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov, a number of teachers of the technical faculty were awarded letters of thanks and certificates in the amount of 50,000 tenge from the Aktobe regional organization of the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of education and science workers for their contribution to the development of education.
Currently, since digitalization is the main tool of education, the University conducts advanced training courses in order to increase the aptitudes and abilities of each teacher. Professional development courses aimed at improving innovative approaches and innovative approaches to training high-quality personnel in accordance with modern requirements have undoubtedly improved the professional skills of teachers. From September to October 2020, teachers of the technical faculty took advanced training courses on the following topics: “Modern pedagogical technologies within the updated content of education” and “Pedagogical concept of digital professional education and training” in the amount of 72 academic hours.
Dean of the technical faculty, Ph. D., associate Professor of «Metallurgy, mining, oil and gas business» Вalginova Akzharkyn Merеkeevтa became the owner of the anniversary badge «85 years of the Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov».
Veteran, faculty teacher, candidate of geological and mineralogical Sciences Vlasko Herman Nikolaevich was awarded the jubilee badge «85 years Of Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov».
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the educational programs (EP) in "Power Engineering" and "Automation and Control" at K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University have successfully received a 5-year accreditation!
This accreditation certifies that our programs meet high educational quality standards and fulfill all requirements set forth by the accreditation bodies. The conferral of a five-year accreditation validates the superior quality of our educational programs, which contributes to student recruitment and enhances the university's academic prestige.
In 2023, B. Almatova, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, and VAK Docent, was awarded the prestigious international "Bolashak" scholarship for the overseas scientific research internship program.
In 2024, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov held a "Best of the Year" competition as part of their Month of Science program. In the "Best Young Scientist-2024" category, the winner was Sarkulova Zhadyrasyn Seidullakizi - a PhD holder who works as an Associate Professor in the university's Oil and Gas Department.
On October 30, 2024, a programmatic article titled "Honest Person - Honest Work - Honest Income" by the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was presented, aimed at widely promoting national values among the youth of our republic.
Madina Makhsetbaikyzy Temirhanova, a master's student in Petroleum Engineering at the Technical Faculty of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, participated in the Republican competition "BEST STUDENT OF KAZAKHSTAN" and was awarded first place.
In 2023, ARU professor, candidate of chemical sciences Tastanova L.K. became the winner of the international Bolashak scholarship under the program for scientific internships for scientists abroad.
Orynbasar Raigul Orynbasarovna, candidate of chemical sciences of the department of "Oil and Gas Engineering" of the technical faculty of the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, was awarded the title of associate professor by the decision of the committee for quality assurance in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
This title is a clear testament to the high qualifications and significant contributions of our scholar to the advancement of science and education.
Akzharkyn Merekeevna Balgynova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the Technical Faculty of Aktobe Regional University, made a scientific visit to neighboring Kyrgyzstan.
She participated as an official opponent in the dissertation defense at the Dissertation Council D.05.23.682 at the K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University and M. Adyshev Osh Technological University for the dissertation of Zh.Y. Osmonov titled "Substantiation of parameters of a biogas plant with filtering centrifuge and technological process of manure processing in farm conditions".
The dissertation discussion was also attended by an official opponent from the Russian Federation - V.P. Druzyanova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.
This scientific collaboration contributed to strengthening educational and scientific ties between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.