Education period:

Full – time: 4 years,3 years, 2 years

Degree awarded:

Bachelor of science in Technology 6B07107-Automation and control.

Sphere of professional activity:

  • automated control systems for technological processes of various industries;
  • automated information and control systems for various purposes;
  • automated systems for the design of systems, objects, devices, automated systems for technological preparation of production of various industries, automated systems for complex testing of parts, products, assemblies, devices in various industries

Objects of professional activity:

The objects of professional activity of graduates are automated process control systems of various industries, automated information and management systems for various purposes, automated systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data for various purposes, automated systems for designing systems, objects, devices, automated systems for technological preparation of production of various industries. systems for complex testing of parts, products, assemblies, devices of various industries.

Subject of professional activity:

The subjects of professional activity are the technological processes of the metallurgical industry, the processing of raw materials and the production of metal products of in creased consumer properties, the technology of obtaining and processing metals and materials, the study of structure and properties, equipment of mining and metallurgical production, click themes of automatic control of metallurgical production and quality control of final products.

Kinds of professional activity:

Bachelors of specialty 6B07107-Automation and control can perform the following types of professional activity:

  • industrial and technological
  • pilot study
  • use of the service
  • organization and management
  • design and construction

Base of practice:

АО “КЕGОС», «Актюбинские межсистемные электрические сети», ТОО «Энергосистема», ТОО «Жарык», ТНК «Казхром», АО «АФЗ», АО «АЗС», ТОО «КернеуАТ», ТОО “КИП и автоматика”.