Form of study, duration:
Day: 4 years
Degrees given:
Bachelor of engineering and technology in specialty 6B07303 – “Production of building materials, products and structures”.
The field of professional activity:
The bachelor’s degree in PBMPaS is a specialist in the production of building materials, products and structures, the development of new materials, enterprise design, management of construction production and marketing of the construction industry, the introduction of modern building materials, energy and resource – saving technologies and technological lines for the production of building materials, products and structures.
Objects of professional activity:
Graduates can work in engineering positions at enterprises that produce building materials, products and structures (factories that produce binders, concrete and reinforced concrete products, ceramic building materials, roofing materials and products, etc.), in design and research institutes, in the construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures, in organizations that certify and control the quality of building materials and structures, as well as perform projects of enterprises that produce building materials and structures, on reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, perform experimental and theoretical research on optimization of technological parameters of production and improving the quality of products, on the introduction of new technologies and types of products.
Subject of professional activity:
Building material.
Types of professional activities:
- senior officials – Deputy Director for production, head of production laboratory, chief of quality control Department head of technical Department, head of Department, foreman;
- specialists-engineer, design engineer, laboratory engineer, quality engineer, process engineer, category I technician, category I construction technician, category I laboratory technician, category I technology technician;
- technical employees common to research, design, technological, design, survey organizations -technician, laboratory assistant.
Practical bases:
LLP “StroyInvest KZ-2050”, PK “Nektar”, LLP “Temirbeton”, LLP “Armar Project”