Period of study:
Full-time: 4 years, 3 years.
Degrees awarded:
Bachelor of engineering and technologies on specialty 6В07106 — Electroenergetics
Sphere of professional activity:
Bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the following industries: production of electric energy; transmission and distribution of electric energy; transmission and distribution of thermal energy; supply of electric and thermal energy.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.
Professional activities:
Bachelors on speciality 6В07106 – Electroenergetics can perform the following professional activities:
- scientific research;
- design and development;
- industrial-technological;
- installation and commissioning;
- service and operational;
- organizational and managerial.
The base practices:
Stock company «KEGOK», company «Aktobe MES», limited liability partnership «Power system», limited liability partnership «Zharyk», TNC «Kazchrome», stock company «AZF», stock company «AZHS», limited liability partnership «KerneuAT», limited liability partnership «CIP and automation».