Accreditation (year of passage, period passing):

Based on the results of the examination of the non-commercial external expert commission “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” conducted in November 2016, it successfully passed specialized accreditation for 5 years (Certificate December 26, 2016 – December 25, 2021, registration number # AB1192).

Training period:

Full-time: 4 years, 3 years

The awarded degree:

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, specialty 6B07202 – Oil and Gas industry.

Sphere of professional activity:

The sphere of professional activity of the bachelor 6B07202 – Oil and gas industry is the field of technical activities for the extraction of oil, gas and condensate from the bowels of the earth, covering various types of work at oil and gas facilities, transportation and storage of oil and gas, oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage on land and sea.

Objects of professional activity:

The objects of professional activity of the bachelor 6B07202 – Oil and gas industry are:

  • oil and gas complex enterprises regardless of the forms of their property;
  • technical devices and tools for drilling oil and gas wells on land and sea;
  • oil, gas and gas condensate fields on land and sea;
  • main pipelines, oil depots and gas storages;
  • organizations, whose activities include exploration, design, construction, reconstruction and operation of oil and gas transportation and storage facilities.

Subject of professional activity:

Subjects of professional bachelor’s activity 6B07202 – Oil and gas indusry are:

  • technological processes of drilling oil and gas wells on land and sea;
  • development and operation of oil and gas fields on land and sea;
  • design and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities on land and sea.

Types of professional activity:

Bachelors in specialty 6B07202 – Oil and gas industry can perform the following types of professional activity:

  • organizational and technological;
  • production-management;
  • Accounting – project.

Another area of professional activity of graduates is work in service and contract organizations of the oil and gas industry, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Gosgortekhnadzor, environmental and monitoring organizations, and consulting organizations.

Base of practice:

LLP “Cap Rem Service” JSC “Caspian Oil TME”