Accreditation process (year of advancing, stage of advancing):
Education period:
Full-time: 4 years
Degree awarded:
Bachelor of science in Technology 6B07204 – Mineral processing
Sphere of professional activity:
Specialists who have completed their bachelor’s degree perform scientific research in the field of mineral processing, are familiar with the principles of designing mineral deposits, have a solid Foundation and high quality engineering and technical knowledge to meet the needs of modern processing technologies.
They are engaged in the organization, implementation and control of production processes, ensuring safe working conditions, labor protection and the environment.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises of the mining industry, mining and processing plants, factories, industrial research and design institutes, factory laboratories, secondary and professional educational institutions.
Subject of professional activity:
- Fundamentals of mineral processing
- Processes and equipment for preparing minerals for processing;
- Mineralogy and mineral deposits;
- Gravitational methods of enrichment
- Flotation methods of enrichment
Kinds of professional activity:
Bachelors of the specialty 6B07204-Mineral processing can perform the following types of professional activities:
- industrial-technological;
- organizational;
- calculation and design;
- experimental research.
Base of practice:
Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant Branch joint stock Company «TNC Kazcrome»;
Don mining and processing plant branch of Company «TNC Kazcrome».