Academic mobility is the moving of students or teachers for a certain academic period to another educational or scientific institution for studying, teaching, conducting researches or improving their qualifications.
The international activity of K. Zhubanov ARSU is aimed at implementing the principles of the Bologna Process, one of the key provisions of which is the academic mobility of teachers and students.
Academic mobility of teaching staff and students of K. Zhubanov ARSU is realized through the programs of cooperation with partner universities and international scholarship programs.
Financing of academic mobility is carried out at the expense of:
- funds of the republican budget;
- grants of national companies, social partners, international funds;
- means of the host country, including grants of international organizations and private foundations;
- personal means of students.
Department of international cooperation through faculties and relevant information resources of the university (site, social networks), containing the necessary information, informs students, undergraduates and teachers about the international exchange programs.
The procedure and conditions of applicants’ participation in international exchange programs are the subject of specific contracts, agreements between partner universities.
The university creates competitive commissions that select applicants and define eligibility criteria for participating in international educational programs to send applicants for study abroad, taking into account the requirements of the host institution / partner organization.
At the moment the exchange programs are implemented with the following universities:
- Kazakh National Research Technical University after K. Satpaev (Almaty)
- Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilev (Astana)
- Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda)
- Karaganda State University. EABuketova (Karaganda)
- Kokshetau State University. Sh. Ualikhanova (Kokshetau)
- Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin (Moscow)
- Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute
- Ufimsky State Oil Technical University
- Ivanovo State Polytechnic University
- Magnitogorsk State Technical University Nosov (Magnitogorsk)
- University of California at Riverside (USA, California)
- Sakarya University (Turkey)
- Bilecik University Sheikh Edibali (Turkey)
- Hajettapae University (Turkey)
- Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University (Turkey)
In order to implement the program of international academic mobility in the academic year 2017-2018, students of the technical faculty were sent on the basis of an agreement between higher educational institutions:
- Ufimsky State Petroleum Technical University (Russia):
- 1 Konay Aymaral (2 course, Oil and gas business, Russian department)
- 2 Djusenbaeva Gulmira (2 course, Oil and gas business, Russian department)
- 3 Sisenbaev Adil (2 course, Oil and gas business, Russian department)
- Magnitogorsk State Technical University Nosov (Magnitogorsk):
- 1 Alenova Ainur (3 course, Mining, Kazakh department)
- 2 Bektimirova Gulmira (3 course, Mining, Kazakh branch)
- 3 Amir Imangali (3 course, Mining, Kazakh department)
- 4 Sarsenov Arsen (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
- 5 Iskaliveva Aliya (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
- 6 Bitimbaeva Anastasia (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
- Sakarya University (Turkey):
- 1 Karakoyshev Akbota (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
- 2 Bertlyuev Adelbek (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
- 3 Nurzhanov Alimzhan (3 course, Metallurgy, Russian department)
In order to implement the program of national and international academic mobility in accordance with the agreement between universities in the first half of the 2018-2019 school year, the following students were sent:
- Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics with a degree in 5B090100 -Transport, Traffic and Transport Operation, Satim Kuandyk (3 course);
- University of Sakarya in the specialty “5В070900 Metallurgy Zholan Talent (3 course), Nyzamadinov Takzharyk (3 course), in the specialty“ 5B071300 Transport, transport equipment and technology ”Sagynbazarov Nurkarіm (3course);
- In South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov in the specialty “5В072900-Building” Anuar Aydyn (3 course), Nurmakhan Akerke (3 course), in the specialty “5V070800 Oil and Gas Business” Babakulova Perizat (3 course), Aitkul Izet (3 course).
In the first half of the 2018-2019 school year, a full-time student arrived to study:
Unaibaev Ruslan (3 course) from Magnitogorsk State Technical University. Nosov specialty “5B070700 – Mining”.
In the second half of the 2018-2019 school year, within the framework of the international and national academic mobility, students of 2,3 courses are sent to study at universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of near and far abroad in accordance with the agreements concluded:
- University of Hadzheteppe in the specialty “5В072900-Building” Asanova Dinara, Sarsenova Aigul, Kozhabaev Dauren (3 course);
- Ufa State Technical Oil University in the specialty “5В070800-Oil and Gas Business” Sisenov Nurdaulet, Yergaliyev Bekslan, Sultanbaev Berdakh (2 course);
- In Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov on a specialty “5В070700 Mining” Baydrakhmanov Elaman, Balkhashbay Nurgali, Mukanbetov Ruslan, Aubakirov Nurken (2 course);
- Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering. Esenova in the specialty “5В070800 Oil and Gas Business” Bakytgul Mukhanov, Beat the Guldan (2 course).
In the 1st half of the 2019-2020 academic year, students of the 2nd and 3rd courses are sent to study in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of near and far abroad in accordance with the concluded agreements within the framework of international and foreign academic mobility:
- Magnitogorsk state technical University named after G. I. Nosov, specialty 5B070700 – “Mining” Sisenbayeva Marzhan, tyrmysheva Khadisha, Igisenova anel, Bitenova Elmira (3rd year);
- To Magnitogorsk state technical University named after G. I. Nosov, specialty 5B070800 – “metallurgy” Mukatai Alibek (3rd year);
- Sinjiang University of Finance and Economics (China), specialty 5B070800 – “metallurgy” Maratuly rayymbek (3rd year);
- Karaganda state technical University UNIVERSITY of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a specialty 5B070800 – “metallurgy” 15 students from the MK-303 group (3rd year).
In the 1st half of the 2019-2020 academic year, full-time students of the external academic mobility Department
Magnitogorsk state technical University named After G. I. Nosov Sisenbayeva Marzhan, tyrmysheva Khadisha, Igisenova anel, Bitenova Elmira
specialty 5B070700 – “Mining”, 3rd year (2019-2020 academic year, I half year)
Magnitogorsk state technical University named After G. I. Nosov Sisenbayeva Marzhan, tyrmysheva Khadisha, Igisenova anel, Bitenova Elmira specialty 5B070700 – “Mining”, 3rd year (2019-2020 academic year, I half year)
Turkey, Sakarya
Zhaltumin Shyngys
specialty 5B072900 – “Construction”, 2nd year (2019-2020 academic year, II half-year)
The University of Economics,Bydgoszcz
Atagulla Dastan
Specialty 5B071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”, 3rd year
(2019-2020 academic year, II half-year)
In order to carry out pedagogical and scientific-methodological work in the 2020-2021 academic year, the question of attracting foreign scientists to the university was raised. For this purpose, the department ” Metallurgy, Mining and Oil and gas industry” The technical faculty of the Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov, an agreement was concluded with the doctor of technical Sciences, Institute of metallurgy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation Zayakin Oleg Vadimovich. Under the academic mobility program, a foreign scientist gives online lectures on “Production of ferroalloys”, undergraduates of the specialty metallurgy, share their experience and knowledge. The issue of attracting foreign scientists will always be one of the most rational and fruitful solutions, since a scientist who has achieved great success in science is of great interest to future specialists. At the lecture of Zayakin Oleg Vadimovich, undergraduates participate with special zeal and are imbued with high-quality education.