On September 1, 1996, with the support of the regional administration at Aktobe University, by the decision of the Rector’s Office, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology began training engineers in the specialty 2805.40 – “Cars and automotive industry” and from September 1, 1998 in the specialty 3001.40 — “Traffic management” at the Department of “Natural Sciences and Labor Training”.
The students were trained in the state and Russian languages.
In 2001, in the Western region of Kazakhstan, the graduation of engineers in the specialty 2805.40 — “Cars and automotive industry” was carried out for the first time in the number of 39 students.
On January 16, 2000, the Department of “Motor Transport and Traffic Management” was established at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
Since January 2000, due to insufficient provision of highly qualified personnel for the organization of the educational process and high-quality training of specialists, the University Administration invited candidates of Technical Sciences Murzagaliev A.Zh., Makhmetov B.M., Umbetov B.Kh. and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Aitaliev E.S. from the West Kazakhstan Agrarian University (Uralsk).
Since January 16, 2000, by order of the Rector of Aktobe University named after K.Zhubanov, the department “Automobile Transport and Traffic Management” was established.
In the future, the department was headed by: Ph.D., Associate Professor Murzagaliev A Zh., subsequently, the post of head of the department was performed by Ph.D. associate Professor B.M. Makhmetov, senior lecturer N.S. Saukhanov, senior lecturer M.B. Ermanov, senior lecturer A.T. Mukhtarov, further modernization took place in 2019, where two departments were united at the head of the head of the Department “Transport Engineering, Transportation Organization and Construction” appointed Master of Technical Sciences A.S. Mukasheva, subsequently continued The head of the department is invited from the Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov (Karaganda) Ph.D., Associate Professor I.S. Utebaev. At the moment, he is the head of the department “Transport Equipment, organization of transportation and construction”.
Taking into account the issues of the modern labor market, new studies are constantly being improved and introduced into the Modular Educational Program. For example, in 2019, new educational programs were developed, the trajectories “Production of building materials of products and structures”, “Transport construction”, and in 2020 a new educational program “Integrated transport Logistics” was developed.
– 6B07101 Transport transport equipment and technologies
– 6B11302-Integrated transport logistics
– 6B07101 Organization of traffic transportation and operation of transport
– 6B07301 Construction
– 6B07303–Production of building materials structures and products
– 6B07302–Transport construction
– 7M071300 – Transport transport equipment and technologies
The standard duration of full–time and full–time education using distance learning technology:
240 academic credits / 240 ECTS – 4 years, full
– time 180 academic credits / 180 ECTS – 3 years, full-time, full-time distance
120 academic credits / 120 ECTS – 2 years, full-time distance.
The educational process at the department is provided by highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel with sufficient potential, full knowledge and understanding of the specifics of the taught subject, the necessary skills and experience for the effective transfer of knowledge to students within the educational process.
The Department of Transport Engineering, Transportation Organization and Construction employs 23 full–time teachers, including: associate professors (associate professors) — 7; masters – 11 senior teachers – 4. Of them have academic degrees and titles: Candidate of Sciences, associate professor — 7, Masters of Sciences – 11 people. Teaching and support staff of the department: laboratory assistant – 5.
The teaching staff is represented in sufficient numbers by specialists in all fields of knowledge covered by the educational program.