The purpose of pedagogical practice is to consolidate and deepen knowledge in general scientific, cultural, psychological and pedagogical, methodological and special disciplines, as well as the formation of pedagogical skills and competencies on the basis of theoretical knowledge.
The main objectives of the practice are:
- acquisition of initial experience in pedagogical activity;
- mastering the teaching and learning methodology;
- knowledge of the basics of pedagogical skills;
- instilling the skills and abilities of independent conducting of educational and teaching work;
- mastering the skills of scientific, psychological and pedagogical research;
- mastering the methodology of educational work;
- knowledge of innovative training technologies;
- implementation of an individual approach to students in the course of educational and educational work, taking into account the characteristics of their development.
Practice programs are developed and approved by the graduating department.
The practice program should be aimed at developing professional significant skills among students and the formation of key competencies:
- planning, forecasting, analysis of the main components of the learning and upbringing process;
- identification of the degree of compliance of the applied methods and means of teaching with didactic goals and objectives;
- use various forms and methods of organizing and implementing educational, labor, social, environmental, health, play and other activities of students;
- individual approach to students in the course of educational work, taking into account the peculiarities of their development;
- conducting pedagogical diagnostics of the state of the pedagogical process;
- evaluate the results of the activities of students, teachers and their own activities.
The guidance of students' pedagogical practice at all stages is carried out by university professors and teachers together with directors, their deputies for educational work and school subject teachers.
The bases of teaching practice are:
- preschool organizations;
- general education organizations (primary, basic secondary, general secondary);
- organizations of technical and vocational education.
The duration of teaching practice and their number are determined by Modular educational programs.
Evaluation of the results of teaching practice is carried out by a commission appointed by the head of the department. The commission receives all the final documentation of the internship, systematized in 6 sections “Portfolio of a student intern.” The results of defending the report are assessed by differentiated credit according to the established point-rating letter grading system.
The teaching practice of undergraduates is planned in accordance with the academic calendar of the university. The volume of credits for practice is established by the modular educational program.
Practice involves:
- mastering empirical knowledge in the field of teaching specialization disciplines;
- development of practical skills in conducting pedagogical work in universities (colleges, technical schools and vocational schools);
- familiarity with the main components of a teacher’s work in the listed educational institutions, types and rules for maintaining reporting documentation;
- familiarization with the state standard, program and content of the chosen academic discipline;
- familiarization with the organization and conduct of all forms of training in a specific educational institution;
- independent preparation of lesson plans and notes;
- selection and analysis of basic and additional literature in accordance with the topics and goals of the planned classes;
- development of the content of educational material at a modern scientific and methodological level;
- methodologically competent conduct of various types of training sessions (lectures, seminar classes, SIS);
- implementation of scientific and methodological analysis of conducted classes;
- consolidation of independent work and self-education skills.
The pedagogical practice of doctoral students is planned in accordance with the academic calendar of the university. The amount of credits for practice is set by modular educational programs.
Pedagogical practice can be conducted during the period of theoretical training without interruption from the educational process, while doctoral students can be involved in conducting classes in bachelor's and master's degrees.