Organization of scientific research/experimental research work of graduate and doctoral students

The organization of research / experimental research work of students in the master's/ doctoral studies is carried out at graduate departments provided with highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, necessary laboratory research and scientific and methodological bases.

The research/ experimental research work of students, which is interdisciplinary in nature, can be carried out on the basis of two or more faculties or departments.

Graduate departments that train undergraduates/doctoral students should have scientific and educational ties with leading foreign accredited educational and scientific institutions, research centers, international professional associations and communities, which make it possible to use advanced foreign experience in training highly qualified specialists for research and expert practical activities and involve students in scientific guidance and consulting competent foreign specialists.

The research/experimental research work of students in the master's/doctoral studies is carried out in accordance with the approved individual work plan. Graduate departments should ensure that the topics of dissertation research carried out by undergraduates and doctoral students correspond to the directions of research activities of the department and faculty and involve students of educational curricula of postgraduate education to participate in scientific projects carried out by graduate departments and research institutes.

Scientific supervisors/ consultants of undergraduates / doctoral students should create all necessary conditions for conducting research work of students, provide access to necessary sources and resources; assist and provide advice in the process of completing dissertation research; give feedback on materials submitted by students; ensure, if necessary, conducting research work of students in third-party educational and scientific organizations, including well-known international centers; to facilitate the preparation for publication of the results of the research; to solve other issues that arise during the development of the educational program for students.

The planning of research/experimental research work of students in the master's/doctoral studies is carried out in semesters in accordance with the working curricula of educational programs.

During the first semester, undergraduates prepare a literature review on the problem under study in the amount of at least 10 printed sheets, and also provide a list of used literature consisting of at least 10 titles, in which at least 30 percent should be foreign literature on the research problem and at least 50 percent for the last 5 years.

At the end of the 3rd semester, undergraduates must prepare at least 70 percent of their master's thesis.

The research papers of undergraduates are checked by the graduating department for the detection of borrowings in the Turnitin system, the threshold level is no more than 25 percent of matches.

The report on the work performed is carried out on the protection of research work at a meeting of the department in public, the assessment is carried out on the basis of the quality of work and information on the detection of borrowings and is presented as an assessment of the research work of undergraduates. The assessment of the research work of undergraduates is carried out by the head of the graduating department on the basis of a public speech, a report and a review by the supervisor.

As part of the research (experimental research) work of the undergraduate, the individual work plan of the undergraduate for familiarization with innovative technologies and new types of production provides for mandatory scientific internship in scientific organizations and (or) organizations of relevant industries or fields of activity.

During the development of the educational program, undergraduates and doctoral students must complete a mandatory internship at higher educational institutions / research centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan or near / far abroad / organizations in the field of training. The scientific internship program is developed in accordance with the direction of training and the individual plan of the student's research/experimental research work and is approved by the dean. The standards for financing foreign internships and requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency are established by the relevant regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Regulations on the procedure for sending students and university staff abroad.

The student submits a report on the results of a foreign scientific internship at a meeting of the graduating department.

At the end of each academic year, the graduating departments analyze the effectiveness of foreign internships of students and the work of foreign scientific consultants of students, and, if necessary, carry out the necessary corrective measures.

The main provisions of dissertations submitted for defense should be presented in scientific/methodological publications of undergraduates and doctoral students.

For all questions regarding research internships, please contact the Science Department.