The Silver University Project
Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov has been successfully organizing the Silver University project since 2021 in order to implement the concept of "lifelong learning" in the state program for the development of science and higher education.
Silver University is a social movement that promotes the improvement of physical and mental health in adulthood, active longevity, and the acquisition of a second skill appropriate to the modern market.
One of the main objectives of the project is to create favorable conditions for the adaptation of the older generation to the modern trend, self-improvement, formation and development of a communication environment, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, assistance in mastering modern technical means and information technologies, improving legal literacy, effective leisure activities.
In 2024, this project was continued, in the period from February to April, about 90 representatives of the older generation over the age of 50 took courses in 8 areas and acquired new skills:
- Digital literacy
- Financial literacy
- Legal literacy
- Kazakh language
- Foreign language ( English)
- Vocal ensemble
- Physical therapy
- Craft
It is worth noting that this year our participants in the project were not only from 50 years old, but also from 60, 70 years old and even over 80 years old.
The most adult participant of the project is 83 years old (Moldabayeva Zauza Mukhambetyarovna).
The curricula of each course were developed by the teaching staff of our university. In addition, since the project received a social orientation, the course participants participated free of charge. Earlier, on the basis of Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov, about 300 adult citizens were trained in advanced training courses: health and safety, Art therapy, fundamentals of mental health. The participants who completed the course were awarded certificates.