Faculty pedagogy and management in education
6В01102 Psychology and Educational Management

6В01201 Preschool education and upbringing

6В01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education

6В01902 Special pedagogy

6В03101 Psychology

6В03102 Clinical psychology

History Faculty
6В01506 Geography

6В01601 History

6В01603 History and social studies (ІР)

6В02201 History

6В05203 Landscape design

6В11101 Tourism

Professional and Creative faculty
6В01401 Music education

6В01404 Physical training and sports

6В01405 Visual art, fine work, art work,graphics and design

6В01406 Art education (IP)

6В02101 Choreography

6В02102 Design

6В07207 Technology and design of light industry products

6В11102 Cultural and leisure work

Technical faculty
6В07101 Transport, transport equipment and technologies

6В07106 Electric power industry

6В07107 Аutomation and control

6В07201 Mining

6В07202 Oil and gas business

6В07203 Metallurgy

6В07301 Construstion

6В07303 Production of building materials, products and structures

6В11301 Organization of traffic transportation and operation of transport

The faculty of Natural Sciences
6В01504 Chemistry

6В01505 Biology

6В01533 Biology (IP)

6В05101 Biology

6В05102 Biotechnology

6В05201 Ecology

6В05302 Chemistry

6В07205 Petrochemical production technology

6В07206 Technology of food products

Physical and Mathematical faculty
6B01501 Mathematics

6B01502 Physics

6B05301 Physics

6В05401 Mathematics

6B06103 Computing equipment and software

6B01503 Informatics

6B06105 Computer engineering

6B06102 IT-medicine

Philological faculty
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature

6В01702 Russian language and literature

6В01704 Russian language and literature with non-Russian language of instruction

6В01705 Kazakh, Russian languages and literature

6В02304 Philology Kazakh philology

Faculty of foreign languages
6В01706 Foreign language: two foreign languages

6В02302 Interpreting and translation

6В02303 Foreign philology

Faculty of Economics and Law
6В04101 Economics

6В04102 Management

6В04103 Accounting and audit

6В04104 Finance

6В04105 State and local government

6B04201 Law

6B04202 Law and law enforcement

Heriot-Watt International Faculty
6B06107 Computer Engineering

6B07108 Electrical and electronic engineering

6В07209 Petroleum Engineering and Energy Management