Secretary it the Academic Council, Candidate of economic sciences
Telephone: 8 701 941 4571
e-mail: gakhmetova@zhubanov.edu.kz
Administrative building, 1st floor, office 11
The Academic Council of K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University is a body of collegiate management of the university. The activities of the Academic Council of the University are based on the principles of publicity and collective discussion of issues within its competence.
Functions of the Academic Council:
- discussing the structure of the university;
- making proposals for amendments and additions to the Charter of the University;
- making proposals on the development strategy of the university;
- making proposals on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of structural divisions of the university;
- listening to the annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors of the university, deans of faculties and heads of structural divisions of the university on educational, research, educational, international, informational, financial, economic and administrative activities;
- making decisions on all fundamental issues of organizing educational, research, international, financial, administrative and economic activities of the university;
- defining new directions for training specialists in a multi-level system of higher professional education, terms and forms of training;
- approving curricula for all levels and forms of education;
- considering and recommending for publication monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and educational and methodological developments;
- making decisions on the transfer of students from a paid form of education to an educational grant;
- making decisions on the appointment of a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and nominal scholarships;
- representing the scientific and pedagogical staff of the University for the assignment of the academic titles of associate professor (associate professor) and professor;
- considering issues of nominating university employees and creative teams for government awards and honorary titles;
- considering other issues of the university activities that require a collegial decision.
Preparation, submission and consideration of issues at the Academic Council:
- Meetings of the Academic Council are held in accordance with its work plan, as well as needed, but at least once a month;
- to prepare the issues included in the agenda of the Academic Council meeting, it is necessary to provide the Chief Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the University no later than 15 days in advance:
- Report-speech;
- Draft resolution.
- Rules for conferring academic titles (associate professor, professor)
- List of publications recommended for publishing the results of scientific activities of the Control Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- List of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific work 2021
- List of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific work 2022
- List of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific work 2023
- List of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific work 2024
- Classifier of scientific directions
Applicants for academic titles:
Seitenova Salima Sagievna
Baltymova Mira Rashidovna
Mendybaev Erbolat Khamzinovich
Myasnikova Ludmila Nikolaevna
Imanbayeva Zauresh Otegenkyzy
Imangazin Marat Kydyrbaevich
Raimbergenov Abdrashid Iskakovich
Zhaksygarina Marziya Zhumashevna
Sergeeva Aigul Maksatovna
Bekeshev Amirbek Zarlykovich
Zhusupova Zhanna Azatovna
Zhanturina Nurgul Nigmetovna
Sagimbayeva Shynar Zhanuzakovna
Kelamanov Bauyrzhan Satybaldyuly
Zhumagaliev Yerlan Ulanovich
Atayeva Gulshat Mukanovna
Sariev Otegen Rafkhatovich
Imanchiev Askarbek Ermekovich
Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna
Tastanova Lyazzat Knashevna
Kushkimbaeva Ainur Serikbaevna
Kurmanova Aigul Kuanyshevna
Utebaev Isatay Seitovich
Kubieva Svetlana Sarsenbaevna
Isakova Sabira Sagynbekovna
Basshieva Zhangul Kutzhanova
Aimaganbetova Zukhra Kuranievna
Tleubergenova Madina Almukhanovna
Kunurkulzhayeva Gulnar Temirgalievna
Ermekbaev Ali Akbergenovich
Utesov Adilzhan Bazarkhanovich
Ermekbaev Ali Akbergenovich
- Information about the applicant for an academic title
- List of scientific papers
- List of creative works
Almatova Bayan Gazizkyzy
Kuanyshev Murat Kulyntaevich
Shukirgaliyev Bekdaulet Temirbolatovich
Esengulova Meiramgul Nuralykizi
Togaibaeva Aigulden Kadyrovna
Zhubandykova Jeniskul Umirtaevna
Sadirova Kulzat Kanievna
Kuzembaeva Gulzhana Aitzhanovna
Kushkimbayeva Aynur Serikbayevna
Admanova Gulnur Bolatovna
Orynbasar Raigul Orynbasarkyzy
Kurmanalina Aigul Aitzhanovna
Balgynova Akzharkyn Merekeevna
Makhambetov Murat Zharakovich
Raimbergenov Abdrashid Iskakovich
Shangytbaeva Gulmira Asaugalikyzy
Bekbauova Altynshash Upukyzy