Aibolgan Kenzhegulovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2005
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Bibigul Seilovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2005
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Anatoly Afanasevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2007
Doctor of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor

Bekbolat Bekturovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2007
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Zhaksylyk Nuradinovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2007
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Igor Feliksovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2007, 2020
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Gulzat Izbasarovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2007
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Gulmira Salimzhanovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2008
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Talgat Smagulovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2008
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Bauyrzhan Amangeldyevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2009
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Yerzhan Tazhibaevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2009
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Zhanna Orynbasarovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2009
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Talgat Turarovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2009
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Kuanyshbek Shүnkeevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2011, 2022
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Klara Zhamanbaevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2011
Doctor of Education, Professor

Gulbanu Bolatovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2011
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Kulpash Balapanovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2012
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Kulzat Kanievna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2012
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Abat Shamovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2013
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Kuantai Amirgalievich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2013
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Salima Saginovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2013
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Amina Akzatovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2013
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sabira Sagynbekovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2013
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Bayan Talipovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2014
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Alpysbay Musaevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2014
Doctor of Philology, Professor

Nurlyhan Nurullaevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2014
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Bazarkhan Saginaevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2014
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Aisulu Ahmadievna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2014
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mira Rashidovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2015
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Serik Saginovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2016
Doctor of Technical Sciences

Zhanna Azatovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2017
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Murat Zharakovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2017
PhD Doctor

Nurgul Nygmetovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2017
PhD Doctor

Dosym Khasenovich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2017
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Balkenzhe Sagidollaevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2018
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Aslan Bukimbaevich
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2018
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Lyudmila Nikolaevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2018
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
associate professor

Lyazzat Knashevna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2019
PhD in Chemistry

Gulshat Rakhmetzhanovna
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder - 2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
assistant professor

Beknazarov Rakhym
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
Doctor of History Sciences,
Associate Professor

Botagariyev Tulegen
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Amirbek Bekeshеv
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
Candidateof Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor

Madina Tleubergenova
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
Candidateof Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Shangytbayeva Gulmira
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
PhD Doctors

Kelamanov Bauyrzhan
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2020
Candidate of technical sciences,
Associate Professor

Erekeshеva Meruert
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2021
candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sagimbayeva Shynar
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2021
candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Togaibayeva Aigulden
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2021
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Sayymova Meiramkul
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2021
PhD, Associate Professor

Ramazanova Dinara
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2021

Aimaganbetova Zukhra
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2022
PhD, Associate Professor

Sergeeva Aigul
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2022
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Imanchiev Askarbek
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2023
Candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Nugaeva Zakhira
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2023

Kushkimbayeva Aynur
"The best teacher of the university"
state grant holder – 2023