Сартабанов Жайшылық АлмағанбетұлыExecutive Director of the Scientific Research Center for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science:

Sartabanov Zhaksylyk Almaganbetovich, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Address: 030000, Aktobe, A.Moldagulova Avenue 34, Innovative Technologies Park, Room No.18
Е-mail: sartabanov42@mail.ru

General information: The Scientific Research Center for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (SRC AMCS) was opened in August 2010. Scientific workers of the Research Center conduct theoretical research on differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, geometry, computer science. The Scientific Research Center as a scientific and educational and innovation and coordination structural unit is created with the aim of developing the integration of education, science and production in the process of training personnel, innovative potential of the university and the region, also improving the training of personnel in the university, taking into account the labor market needs.

The purpose of the SRC AMCS is the development of the University's innovative policy to integrate the scientific-educational and organizational - practical activities teaching staff of the physics and mathematics faculty in training specialists with an innovative worldview on the basis of their active participation in research on differential equations, applied mathematics and computer science.

Main objective:

activation of innovative activity of the University in fundamental - applied mathematical and physical and technical research with the participation of the scientific potential of the faculty and creative youth;

increase of innovative activity of the scientific potential of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, teaching staff, master's students and bachelors in the conduct of research, the introduction of educational technologies to the educational process, in the preparation of scientific projects and in the organization of student research work;

the development of the programs of research projects for staff for the coming years and the development of their long-term research development strategy;

Ensuring the participation of SRC AMCS staff in national and international competitions of scientific Projects for grants;

identification of priority research areas of the SRC AMCS with the applied aspect, the potential of commercialization;

licensing of scientific research projects implemented by SRC AMCS staff;

organization of a scientific seminar of the SRC AMCS with the annual publication of the workshop proceedings;

development of innovative educational services of the SRC AMCS in conjunction with the departments of the faculty for secondary schools in the city and the region, in order to support the interest of gifted schoolchildren in science and innovation in the information and applied fields of mathematics and computer science;

direction of the staff and master's students of the SRC AMCS for internships and business trips to the scientific centers of the republic and foreign countries for further training in the specialty, expanding the innovative horizon and knowledge of foreign experience in innovation, to participate in scientific forums;

development of fundamental research related to the creation of new scientific trends, learn of new educational technologies, the creation and development of scientific schools;

expansion of scientific cooperation with educational institutions and scientific centers, firms with the purpose of improving the activities of the SRC AMCS in accordance with the development of the world system of science and education;

invitation of scientists of the republic and foreign countries to lecture and exchange experiences of scientific and innovative work for the teaching staff, students, master's students and PhD-doctoral students;

participation in the activities of the ARSU on the inclusion of the physico-mathematical series of the journal "Herald ARSU" in the list of editions of High Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

participation in the preparation of the history of the development of physical and mathematical education in the field and in physics and mathematics at the University for publication in the form of a book;

organization and holding of republican and international scientific conferences on the basis of the university.

participation in the organization of the educational process and in the management of dissertations of master's students and PhD-doctoral students mathematical specialties, in conducting their scientific internship and practice.

Directions of scientific research:

differential equations in ordinary and partial derivatives, the mathematical theory of periodic and multiperiodic oscillations, mathematical physics, computer science and their applications.

Scientific Grants:

"Constructive methods for qualitative research and solving nonlinear boundary value problems for differential equations and problems in the theory of oscillations" State registration No. 1-1-1.2-12 (60) for 2003-2005.

"Methods for qualitative research of periodic and boundary value problems of quasilinear systems of differential equations" State registration No. 1.6-11 (1.e6.1-11) for 2006-2008.

"Qualitative research of periodic and analytic - boundary value problems for some systems of differential equations describing oscillatory processes", 2009-2011 (theme of the Project of the Research Center of Mathematics of the Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty).

"Qualitative research of some analytical and periodic-boundary value problems of systems of differential equations (State Registration No.0113 RK 00686) for 2013-2015.

Scientific seminar:

Problems of differential equations, applied mathematics and computer science. (Supervisor - Sartabanov Zh.A., secretary of the seminar - Abdikalikova GA).

Cooperation with scientific centers:

Institute of the Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan);

Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev State University named after T. Shevchenko (Kiev, Ukraine);

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Moscow, Russia);

Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev (Astana, Kazakhstan);

The Scientific Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the Kabardino - Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nalchik, Russia);

St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg, Russia);

Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic).