The composition of the faculty includes 11 candidates of Sciences, 1 PhD, 1 Doktorand Ph.D and 15 masters.

Staff of the chair conducts research work in the following areas:

  • modeling and numerical analysis;
  • protection of information;
  • expert assessment;
  • information systems in education;
  • management, optimization and software of information processes and systems;
  • differential equations;
  • theoretical foundations and methods of the PLO;
  • applied solution methods of mathematical modeling and analysis;
  • Informatization of education and methodology of teaching Informatics;
  • software development of e-learning resources;
  • protection of information and information safety;
  • Neural network and fuzzy logic theory.

Teachers of the chair are trained in doctoral studies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad:Sartabanov J. E. – Varna free University.Chernorizets Brave (Bulgaria), specialty “Information systems and technologies, Informatics and computer science”;For the intended directionKereev, A. K. – the Eurasian national University. L. Gumilev (Astana), specialty 6D070400-“computer engineering and software”;Bekesheva L. R. – the Eurasian national University. L. Gumilev (Astana), specialty 6D070300-” Information systems “. According to state grantToleuov T. J. – Aktobe regional University after K. Zhubanov, specialty 6D060100-MathematicsUbaeva Zh. – Aktobe regional University after K. Zhubanov, specialty 6D060100-Mathematics

International cooperation

The staff of the chair cooperates with leading universities and research institutes both within the Republic and in the neighboring countries: ENU named after N. Gumilev (Astana), KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Institute of Seismology MES RK (Almaty), Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai (Almaty), Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University (Almaty), Kazakh national technical University named after K. Satpayev (Almaty), Kazakh–British technical University (Almaty), Caspian state University of technologies and engineering named after Sh.Yessenov (Aktau), Institute of New Technologies of SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia), UNA named after T. Shevchenko (Kiev, Ukraine), Institute of Physics and Mechanics of rocks, Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Orenburg state University (Orenburg, Russia), Perm national research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia); industry, research institutions, and Russian companies working on the market of high technologies, foreign universities.

Academic mobility

In the framework of academic mobility, the chair cooperates with the following Universities:

  • The Sofia University S.V. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria);
  • Saint–Petersburg national research University of information technologies (Russia);
  • Dubna state University (Russia);
  • Moscow state pedagogical University (Russia);
  • Institute of the Russian Federation ON “Problems of management” (Russia);
  • RU TO the Institute of mathematics (Republic of Uzbekistan).

Our graduate students undergo research practice in the following Universities:

  • Charles University (Czech Republic);
  • Orenburg state University (Russia);
  • Perm national research Polytechnic University (Russia).

In the 2016-2017 academic year for 1st semester students of 3 course of A. Akhmetov, A. Ikincisi studied at the Kazakh state women’s pedagogical University, 2nd year student of the specialty “5B070400-computer facilities and software” Istlef A. he studied at the Kazakh agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin within one academic semester.

14 to 27 March 2016 Professor, Institute of system analysis and management of the state University “Dubna” Spivak L. F. (Russia) under the program of academic mobility lectured on the course “GIS-technologies in the system of management of the territory” for students of specialties 5B060200 computer science, 5B070400-computer facilities and software, 5B070300-information systems, 5В070500-Mathematical and computer modeling.  12.02.18 to 23.02.18  General Director of the “System Research Company“ Factor ”LLP, Ph.D. Gabbassov M under the program of academic mobility lectured on the course ” TOFFEE program ” for students of specialties 5B070300-information systems, 5В070500-Mathematical and computer modeling.

A series of seminars on the topic “World experience in teaching and application of information and communication technologies” (on the example of Germany) was held from 8 to 26 October 2018 with the participation of senior expert Service GmbH (SES) from Germany Hilde Heyer.

In the period from February 11 to February 22, 2019 on the program of academic mobility in ARSU K. Zhubanova professors from Korea Joong-Ki Hwang, Tae Kook Kim conducted classes for students of  2 and 3 courses of specialties 5B070400 – Computer science and software, 5B011100-computer Science course “Fundamentals of robotics”.

In the period from 18 February to 20 February 2019, Ph. D., associate Professor Begaliyeva M. J. delivered a guest lecture on discipline “Computer networks” at Houston Baptist University.

25 Feb 2019 head of IT Department at Ltd “LIMB-2” Dmitry Pasichnyk gave a lecture for students of the specialty 5V070400-computer hardware and software for security issues in the field of system administration.

Teachers of the chair constantly carry out training, both at the national and international level.

The combination of rich teaching experience, scientific and creative potential of our employees with the support of our partners, and enable pedagogical process at a high level, using advanced learning technologies, modern technical means and software.

Students from foreign countries studied for one semester in 2017-2018 academic year.

Almazbek Zhumagul, Osh state University, Kyrgyzstan, 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.

Students of the speciality studied for one semester in universities of foreign countries in 2017-2018 academic year.

 Alimzhan Kymbat; University of BILECIK EDEBALI (Turkey), 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.

  1. Sultamurat Orken, University Of Gdansk (Poland), 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.
  2. Dauletbaeva Saya, University Of Gdansk (Poland), 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.
  3. Kazbekov Bauyrzhan, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.
  4. Bekzhan Sakenov, Bashkir state University (Russia), 2 semester 2017-2018 y.y.

1 semester in 2018-2019 academic year.

University of Economics Bydgoszcz (Bydgoszcz, Poland)

5V070400 – computer hardware and software 3 course (Sarape S.)

Al-Farabi KazNU

Zhumanova A.- Student of the 3th course  the specialty 5В070500- Mathematical and computer modeling;

Almaty Technology University

Aliaydar M., Zhababay K – Student of the 3th course  the specialty  5В070400- Computers and software;Zhaimaganbetov B., Imakaev T- Student of the 3th course  the specialty  -5В070300- Information systems;


Alpamysova A.- Student of the 3th course  the specialty 5В070500- Mathematical and computer modeling;

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state university

Amanbaeva N., Matash N.- Student of the 2th course  the specialty 5В011100 – Computer science;

S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical university 

Kuttybay A., Biarstanova K.- Student of the 3th course  the specialty  -5В070300- Information systems;

Abai Kazakh National pedagogical university

Serik D., Maduli G.- Student of the 2th course  the specialty 5В011100 – Computer science.

Students enrolled in the National academic mobility program in the 1st half of the 2018-2019 academic year:

Tolet  Nazerke – Pavlodar GU, 5B070300-Information systems

2 semester 2018-2019

Almaty technological University

5B070300 – Information systems course 2 (Bayturina A., Cali D.)

Kazakh state women’s pedagogical University

5B011100 – Informatics course 2 (Kasymbek I., Ziyatdinova J., Abdulla A. )

Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay

5B011100 – Informatics 3  course (Balmaganbet B., B. Abaeva, Aitbayev A., Erkinov A., He, A., Karabaev A. )

5B011000 – Physics 3 course (Munari A., Amangeldi N.)

South Kazakhstan state University. M. Auezov

5В070500 – Mathematical and computer modeling 3rd year (Esengeldi Z.)

5B070500-Mathematical and computer modeling 2 course (Tanabayuly A.)

5B011100-Informatics 3 course (Alimzhan K. )

Students enrolled in the National academic mobility program in the 2nd half of the 2018-2019 academic year from abroad and students enrolled in the National academic mobility program

Yrysbaev O. A. A. , OHPU, Kyrgyzstan, semester 2, 2018-2019. V.

Jakan A. , the Program double-diploma educational programs:5V070400-computer hardware and software – Petroleum engineering, China University of oil and gas

Development and publication of e-learning resources

Erekesheva Meruert

Electronic resources – video lectures:

Baiganova Altynzer Mynturganovna

Electronic resources – video lectures: