Achievements of the faculty of the Department
- In 2020, docents of the Department of physics Myasnikova L. N., Bekeshev A. Z., Zhanturina N.N., Sagimbayeva S Zh. received the title of associate Professor.
- Teacher of the Department, master Kaliev A.M. in the competition” SMART-Curator – 2020 “was awarded with the nomination” Audience award”
- In 2020, PhD., Professor Kuanyshbek Shunkeev became the winner of the «Altyn Adam Award» -2020 in the nomination «Scientist»
- Teachers of the department, Ph. D., Professor Spivak-Lavrov I. F. and associate Professor Bekeshev A. Z. became the winners of the republican competition ” THE BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER-2020»
Achievements of the students in the last 5 years:
- Student of the specialty “6B05301-physics” Zhaksylykov Maksat took 3rd place in the 2nd round of the II RepublicanStudent Olympiad, al-Farabi Kazakh national University, 2019.
- Student of the specialty “6B05301-physics” Kabas Adilet took 3rd place in the 2nd round of the II Republican student Olympiad, al-Farabi Kazakh national University, 2019.
- Student of the specialty “6B05301-physics” Kylychmuradova Meruert took 3rd place at the II Republican student Olympiad, al-Farabi Kazakh national University, 2020.
Branches of the Department
- Aktobe regional specialized physics and mathematics boarding school;
- Secondary school-gymnasium with training in three languages №21;
- Municipal state institution «School-gymnasium of the city of Alga»;
- Municipal state institution «Gymnasium of Shubarkuduk».
- «Novyy Secondary School-Lyceum»;
- «Aktobe high polytechnical college».
In the 2019-2020 academic year, a branch of the Department was opened on the basis of the Aktobe regional planetarium for the specialty «6B05301 – physics».
In 2019-2020, the following scientific groups were opened:
- «Methods and devices of Physical Research». Supervisor – senior teacher, master Тoremurat A. Kh. ;
- «Preparation of Olympic problems in physics». Supervisor – senior teacher K. Taskaliev.
As part of the science Week of the 2018-2019 academic year, students and master’s students won prizes in the following categories:
– Best master’s student, 1st place, B. Suleimenov;
– Best master’s student, 2nd place, Nurmukhanova A.;
– Best student, 1st place Muhamedjan T.
Based on the results of the 2019-2020 academic year science week:
- The Department of physics took the 3rd place in the “Best Department” category;
- Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Myasnikova L. N. won the title of ” Best scientist»;
- Teacher, master Istlyaup A. S. took 2nd place in the category ” Best young scientist»;
- Student of specialty 6B05301-physics Mukhamedzhan T. won the nomination ” Best student»;
- – Doctoral students of the Department Ubaev Zh. K. and Shugaeva T. won prizes in the category “Best doctoral student”.
According to the results of the competition “Best open lesson in interactive form” in the 2019-2020 academic year, senior teacher of the Department, master of physics Toremurat A. Kh. received the nomination “Master organizer of group work of students”.