Accreditation (year of passage, period of passage):
According to the results of the audit of the non-profit external expert commission “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating”, conducted in May 2018, the specialty successfully passed specialized accreditation (No. AB 1729, 05/31/2018-30.05.2023).
Training period:
day dressing:
on the basis of secondary general education – 4 years
distance learning:
3 years on the basis of secondary vocational education;
2 years on the basis of higher education.
Academic degree awarded:
Bachelor of education in the educational program “6В01501 – Mathematics”
Field of professional activity:
education; the science; Applied math.
Objects of professional activity:
educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, educational institutions of technical and vocational education); research organizations in the field of mathematics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods; management organizations (education departments, public administration bodies of the corresponding profile; organizations using mathematics methods in their work.
Subject of professional activity:
organization and conduct of educational work, experimental and research work on the problems of teacher education; generalization and dissemination of innovative learning experience; implementation of organizational activities in educational institutions.
Types of professional activity:
educational; socio-pedagogical; research; organizational and methodological.
Base practice:
Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, Aktobe, Aktobe Regional Specialized Lyceum “Bilim Innovation” for gifted youths, school-gymnasium No. 21, schools in Aktobe.