Department of Mathematics is a graduate department for the specialities of three levels of education – bachelor, master and doctoral studies: 6В01501 – Mathematics, 6В05401 – “Mathematics”, 6В01508- Mathematics-Physics; 7М05401 – Mathematics, 7М01501 – Mathematics, 8D05401 – Mathematics.
The department provides the teaching of all fundamental mathematical disciplines and special courses for students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, as well as the course of higher mathematics for students of the Technical Faculty, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Natural Sciences.
For the qualitative preparation of specialists, the educational and methodological documentation is annually developed and updated by the teaching staff of the department: the teaching and methodological complexes of disciplines, brief notes of lectures, methodological instructions for practical exercises, methodological aids.
In 2017-2018 academic year, a textbook under the name «Нақты анализ курсына кіріспе» was published by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.B. Utesov which was approved by EMA REMC at KazNU named after al-Farabi.
In 2018-2019 academic year, two textbooks «Introduction to Mathematics» and «Mathematical analysis I» were published in English by Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor G.A.Abdikalikova (co-authored with A.A.Kulzhumieva, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, docent of Department Physics and Mathematics of West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov and G.M Aitenova, doctoral student of the Department Mathematics of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov).
In 2019-2020 academic year, Textbooks “Science of Learning and New Educational Practice”, “Оқыту туралы ғылым және жаңа білім беру практикасы” (in 2 volumes) were published by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.K.Kagazbaeva, “Мектеп математика курсы бойынша есеп шығару практикумы” was published by Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Zh.Kaidasov and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.K.Kagazbaeva.
Textbook “Practicum on the course of Mathematical Analysis” was published by Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor M.A.Tleubergenova, also Textbook “Practicum on solving problems of Algebra” was published by Associate Professor M.A.Tleubergenova in collaboration with the senior teacher of the department A.D.Sarman.
In 2020-2021 academic year, Textbook “Mathematical analysis” was published by Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor A.U.Akhmetova; «Комплекс айнымалылы функциялар теориясы» (which was approved by EMA in the field of education “Pedagogical Sciences” REMC of higher and postgraduate education of MES RK at the KazNPU named after Abay) was published by Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Kh.T.Otarov and by senior teacher A.A.Turganbayev; textbooks “Basics of Didactics”, «Дидактика негіздері» were published by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department A.K.Kagazbaeva; E-learning tool “Practicum on solving problems of Algebra” was published by Associate Professor M.A.Tleubergenova, by senior teacher of the department A.D.Sarman and by 2nd year post graduate student G. N. Rakhimova.
Annually teachers of the department take advanced training courses in the institutes of retraining and advanced training, short-term courses, and educational-methodical seminars, trainings, master classes. For the last five years, all teachers of the department have taken advanced training, including 7 teachers at universities in the near and far abroad. For the last 2 years, 11 teachers have taken courses organized by JSC “NCPD “Orleu” Institute of improvement of qualifications; 5 teachers took advanced training courses for teaching staff in higher educational institutions that train teachers, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”. As part of the implementation of the plan for multilingual education of the university, 7 teachers of the department have completed advanced training courses for teaching staff in English and have certificates.
Teachers of the department annually take part in the traditional competition “The best open lesson in an interactive form”, organized by the structural unit of the university ” The Institute of continuing education of Zhubanov University”.
In 2016-2017 academic year, the teacher of the Department M. Tleubergenova took the second place in the competition “The Best Demo Lesson” among university teachers. In 2017-2018 academic year, the teacher of the Department Z.Nugaeva took the first place and the teacher of the Department Zh.Issabergenova took the second place in the competition “The Best Demo Lesson” among university teachers. According to the results of the competition in 2020, senior teacher of the Department Mathematics K.S.Bayesheva took the 2nd place, Master of Arts Zh.T.Issabergenova was awarded in the nomination “Ensuring subject-to-subject interaction with students.”
In 2017-2018 academic year, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Mathematics Bekbauova A.U. took 1st place in the Republican Pedagogical Competition in the nomination “The best presentation of the lesson” (Scientific and Methodological Center “ZIAT”, Astana). The presentation of the lesson on discipline “Algebra and Geometry” on the topic “Ellipse and its properties” was presented for the competition.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics Sultangalieva L.S. was awarded a diploma in the nomination “Master of his craft”.
Scientific research the teaching staff of the department is represented by the following main directions:
- Differential equations in ordinary and partial derivatives, mathematical theory of periodic and multi-periodic oscillations, mathematical physics and their applications;
- Problems of restoring operators on function classes based on inaccurate information;
- differential geometry; problems of immersion of infinite parts of the Lobachevsky plane in three-dimensional Euclidean space;
- Modern problems of teaching mathematics at the University and at school.
- Innovative pedagogical technologies for teaching mathematics.
The scientific work of the department is supported by grants from the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for fundamental research.
In 2013-2015, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor K.K. Kenzhebaev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Zh.A. Sartabanov, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor A.B. Berzhanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Abdikalikova were the executors of the project “Qualitative research of some analytical and periodical-boundary value problems of systems of differential equations” within the framework of the fundamental research program, grant № 0113РК00686 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2015.
In 2020-2021 academic year, two research projects won in competitions for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects (MES RK) under the leadership of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor M.A. Tleubergenova:
- Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 with a 12-month implementation period – project “Unpredictable solutions of differential equations”, AP08955400;2)
- Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (MES RK) – project “Theory of unpredictable oscillations”, AP09258737.
The executors of the projects are the teacher of the Mathematics department, master A.U. Zhamanshin and 3rd year doctoral student Z.T. Nugaeva.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor A.U. Bekbauova is the head of the internal project of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov “Development of STEM education in Zhubanov University”.
In July 2020, teacher of the Department, master S.T. Mynbayeva successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy PhD on the topic “Qualitative properties and numerical solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem for the Fredholm integro-differential equation”, in the specialty 6D060100 – Mathematics.
By the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science of the MES Republic of Kazakhstan from November 3, 2020 (Order No. 434) Mynbayeva Sandugash Tabyldievna awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D060100-Mathematics.
On December 9, 2020, teacher of the Department, master A.U. Zhamanshin successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy PhD on the topic “Unpredictable oscillations of differential equations and neural networks”, in the specialty 6D060100 – Mathematics. Teachers of the department actively participate in international and republican conferences and seminars.
Over the last 3 years, faculty teachers have published more than 50 scientific and scientific-methodical articles, among them scientific articles published in central academic journals, in magazines with impact factor, in publications included in international citation bases (SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters); more than 20 methodical aids, and textbooks: of them more than 15 textbooks belong to Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences., professor K. Kaydasov. and Doctor of pedagogical sciences., Professor A. Kagazbaeva.
At the department there is a permanent scientific seminar “Problems of Applied Mathematics and Informatics” under the supervision of Professor Zh.A.Sartabanov, also there is a permanent monthly methodical seminar “Methodology of scientific research on the method of teaching mathematics” under the supervision of Professor A.Kagazbaeva. The purpose of the seminar – to reveal the features of scientific research on the methods of teaching mathematics.
In 2020-2021 academic year, the monographs “Multipoint boundary value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations and their applications” by A.E. Imanchiev, “Multiperiodic solutions of systems of partial differential equations in the broad sense of variables” by A.U. Bekbauova and “Asymptotic properties of differential equations systems” by M.A. Tleubergenova were published.
The Department of Mathematics cooperates with the leading scientific centers of Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Orenburg State University, Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the Kabardino-Balkar Science Center of RAS, Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridski, etc.). The connection with scientists of Almaty, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moscow is maintained.
M.U. Akhmetov Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY
Over the last 3 years, the Department of Mathematics has signed agreements and memoranda with foreign universities, namely:Tajik National University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan);Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla;Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev);Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic);Computing Center of the Institute of Mathematics (Ufa, Russian Federation);Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko (Ukraine).
The Department takes a leading part in the organization of international conferences.
Every 3 years, International Scientific Conference “Problems of Differential Equations, Analysis and Algebra” has been held traditionally since 1996, at the Physics and Mathematics faculty.
Participants of the 8th International Scientific Conference “Problems of differential equations, analysis and algebra”, Aktobe, November, 2018.
Рedagogical forum “Mathematical education: state, problems, prospects”, devoted to the anniversary date of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Kagazbayeva Aspet Kenesbekovna.
The department maintains contact with the public education authorities of the region. Teachers of the department conduct lecture classes in the courses for improving the qualifications of teachers, and also hold regular consultations directly in the schools of the city. The professorial and teaching staff of the department annually takes an active part in conducting republican, regional, city Olympiads of schoolchildren in mathematics, scientific and practical conference of the Aktobe branch of the Minor Academy of Sciences.
In November 2019, the pedagogical studio “Up the Professional Ladder of Life” was organized by the department. The competition was attended by teachers from 14 schools in the region. The second round of the competition was attended by 12 participants, including teachers from Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Aktobe Regional Specialized Physics and Mathematics Boarding School, Bogetsay School-Gymnasium, secondary schools No. 2, 3, 8, 9,16, 35, 44 in Aktobe.
Fundamental research funded by the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out at the Department:
AP08955400 «Unpredictable solutions of differential equations» for 2020-2021 years (Project manager: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent Tleubergenova Madina Almukhanovna. Executors: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Akhmet Marat, PhD A.U. Zhamanshin, master Z.T. Nugayeva).
AP08856170 «Inertial neural networks with unpredictable oscillations» for 2020-2022 years. (Project manager: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Akhmet Marat. Executors: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent M.A. Tleubergenova, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior teacher R.D. Seylova, PhD A.U. Zhamanshin, master Z.T. Nugayeva, master N.N. Amirkhanova).
AP09258737 «Theory of unpredictable oscillations» for 2021-2023 years. (Project manager: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent Tleubergenova Madina Almukhanovna. Executors: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Akhmet Marat, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior teacher R.D. Seylova, PhD A.U. Zhamanshin, master Z.T. Nugayeva, master G.K. Izgarina).
April 2022. The scientific project “Methods for solving boundary value problems for quasi-linear impulsive systems of Fredholm integro-differential equations”, prepared under the guidance of PhD, senior teacher Sandugash Mynbaeva, received grant funding at the competition “ZHAS Galym”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the priority direction “Scientific research in the field of natural Sciences”.
The project implementation period is 32 months, 2022-2024.
Project goal: determination of solvability conditions for boundary value problems for quasi-linear impulse systems of Fredholm integral differential equations. Development of approximate and numerical methods for solving boundary value problems for pulse systems of Fredholm integral differential equations. Development of effective algorithms for solving boundary value problems for pulse systems of Fredholm integral differential equations and their quantitative implementation.
August 2022. The scientific project “Generalized solution of the boundary value problem of the hyperbolic type of the fourth-order partial derivative” (AR14971198), prepared under the guidance of PhD, teacher Zhanibek Tokmurzin, received grant funding at the competition “ZHAS Galym”, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the priority direction “Scientific research in the field of natural Sciences”.
The project implementation period is 28 months, 2022-2024.
With the increasing pace of development of science and technology in the XXI century, the problems of mathematical physics are widely used in solving many technical problems as mathematical models. The initial boundary value problem for partial derivatives of fourth–order differential equations with two variables can be called as developing model problems of mathematical physics. In this project, we consider a method for finding a generalized solution to boundary value problems of a fourth-order hyperbolic type partial derivative. The solved problems are the study of the existence and uniqueness of the solution, as well as the creation of a quantitative and analytical solution by parametrization of boundary value problems of hyperbolic equations.
In Aktobe regional university named after K. Zhubanov, the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD Amire Zhumagaziev on the topic “Multiperiodic solutions of systems equations with various differentiation operators” in the specialty “6D060100 – Mathematics” took place.
Dissertation submission form: dissertation.
Presentation language: Russian.
The dissertation was performed at the Department of Mathematics, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.
On September 08, 2021, on the basis of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, a round table was held with the participation of the teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates and 4th year students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in offline/online format, dedicated to the discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev “The unity of the people and systemic reforms are a solid foundation for the prosperity of the country”.
Also, the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, heads of departments, representatives of the education sector took part in the work of the round table, who expressed their views and proposals for the implementation of all the tasks outlined in the Message. This indicates that our university has a great intellectual potential, which contributes to solving the tasks set out in the Message of the Head of State.
One of the manifestations of the power of the state is the development of knowledge and science adapted to new conditions. It is gratifying that the message gives specific instructions for the development of this industry that meets modern requirements. This is a huge opportunity to train qualified specialists through advanced education and upbringing, improving the professional skills of students!
The participants of the round table unanimously supported the Message of the President, which identified important steps for the further development of the country and improving the lives of its citizens, and expressed their readiness to take an active part in solving these problems.
In the library of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov, an open day “Journey to the World of Knowledge” was held for readers from 26 to 29.09.2022 as part of the republican book festival “Kitap time-2022”. In this regard, on September 26, 2022, the curator of the Department of Mathematics Aimgul Akhmetova and 4th year students of the specialty 6B05401-Mathematics and 6B01501 – Mathematics visited the scientific library. The head of the library, Zhania Sagnaevna, conducted an excursion, familiarized students with textbooks, scientific and educational works of teachers of the Department of Mathematics, books received by the library fund. Among them are the works of Zh.Kaidasov, A.Zhubaev, A.Zhylkybaev, L.Myasnikova, N.Zhanturina, A.Akhmetova. The textbooks of Khassen Otarov and Darkhan Azhimbayev “Theory of functions of complex variables” and other authors became the most interesting for students.
At the end of the tour, the head of the library invited students to the library so that they could find and get the necessary literature for writing essays, scientific articles, scientific and diploma projects, and students can also prepare for lessons in the reading room.
Within the framework of the internal academic mobility program, students of the EP 6B05401-Mathematics in the 2022-2023 academic year are studying at E. Buketov Karaganda University.
Based on the agreement concluded between Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov and Karaganda University named after E. Buketov, on the initiative of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov, for the first time, 3rd year students of the EP 6B05401-Mathematics will study within the framework of the internal academic mobility program. 17 students passed the competitive selection. On the basis of a bilateral agreement, they chose the subjects that they would need for their future specialty at the E. Buketov Karaganda University.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, according to the EP 6B05401-Mathematics for 3rd year students in the discipline “Differential geometry and topology” in an online format for students of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov from Karaganda University named after E. A. Buketov, PhD 6D060100 N.Medeubaev will teach classes. Professor of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Zh.Kaidasov conducts lectures for students of Karaganda University named after E. A. Buketov.
In October 2022, professor Zh.Sartabanov held a scientific and methodological seminar with mathematics teachers of schools in the city of Shalkar. At the seminar, the professor made a report on “Some problems of high school students’ research projects to improve the quality of math classes, prepare students for the subject Olympiad and the beginning of analysis”. At the end of the seminar, the district Department of Education handed over a “Letter of Thanks” and presented a memorable photo album from a meeting with a team of teachers of school №1.
30.09.22, a seminar for school teachers on the organization and formation of students’ research activities was held at the faculty of Physics and Mathematics, together with the regional scientific and practical center for additional education “Aktobe – Daryn” of the Zhubanov ARU.
The presentations for the seminar participants were made by associate professor of the Department of Mathematics R.Seylova, senior teacher K.Baesheva, associate professor T.Sheriyazdan, teacher M.Mukash on the topic “Organization of project and research activities of students”. The concept of a scientific project, the tasks of a scientific supervisor and highlighted the main mistakes that often occur when submitting a project for protection were told here. In addition, in order to avoid such mistakes in the future, detailed information was provided about the requirements for the design of the project, the structure of the project, and the choice of a topic. Associate professor of the department A. Imanchiev and teacher Zh.Tokmurzin Zh. made presentations on the topic “Formation of students’ research activities by participating in Olympiads, competitions”, which noted that by involving students in mathematical Olympiads and competitions, it is possible to increase their interest in the subject and to form a desire to conduct research on a specific topic. The regional scientific and practical seminar organized by the faculty of the Department of Mathematics was fruitful for teachers of the region and the city.
The project of the senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics Meirambek Mukash on the topic “Methods for solving boundary value problems for differential equations with impulsive action at non-fixed times” was approved by the decision of the NSC for 2022-2024 by the competition “Zhas Galym”.
The project goal is to establish conditions for solving boundary value problems for differential equations with impulsive action at non-fixed times, to develop algorithms and to develop numerical methods for finding solutions to boundary value problems.
October 17, 2022 the methodical council of the faculty of Physics and Mathematics organized and held a methodological seminar “Methods of scientific research in teaching mathematics” on the topic “Open lesson – a form of organization of methodological work”. Speaker of the seminar was doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor A.Kagazbayeva.
The purpose of the seminar is to organize open classes for the exchange of experience among young professionals.
Topical issues of the methodology of innovative learning technologies were discussed at the seminar.
The methodological seminar was attended by the Dean of the Faculty A.Aimukatov, the teaching staff, 2nd year undergraduates and students.
Organizers: A.Novitskaya, Master Z. Taskaliyeva, Master N. Tavanova.
В 2017 году Актюбинский региональный университет имени К. Жубанова совместно с Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школой начал работу над проектом “УЧИСЬ-ДЕЛИСЬ”. Целью проекта “УЧИСЬ-ДЕЛИСЬ” является внедрение дуального обучения в учебный процесс подготовки педагогических кадров. В текущем 2022 году продолжается работа по дуальному проекту “УЧИСЬ-ДЕЛИСЬ”.
Студенты специальности Математика-физика – 5, специальности математика – 5, всего 10, 3-4 курсов приняли участие в первом сборе долгожданного проекта «УЧИСЬ-ДЕЛИСЬ» и получили массу впечатлений. По утвержденному графику начата работа по прохождению стажировки на кафедре математики Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы.
У студентов есть возможность в ближайшем будущем распространить новые мировые подходы обучения Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы на сельские школы Уилского, Байганинского, Мартукского районов области, а также Мангистауской, Атырауской, Кызылординской областей. Удачи математикам!
Методист проекта: кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент кафедры математики Сейлова Р. Д.
Development and publication of e-learning resources
Bekbauova Altynshash
Electronic resources – video lectures:
- Differential Equations
- Equations of Mathematical Physics
- Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
Akhmetova Aiymgul
Electronic resources – video lectures:
- Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Financial mathematics
- Mathematical analysis for non-mathematical majors
Imanchiyev Askarbek
Electronic resources – video lectures:
Nugaeva Zakhira
Electronic resources – video lectures:
Nugaeva Zakhira
Electronic resources – video lectures:
Mynbaeva Sandugash
Electronic resources – video lectures: