Staff of the department have been prepared and published the following publications:
1. K.Sh. Shunkeyev, L. Myasnikova, N.N. Zhanturina, A. Tilep, Zh. Zinollin, English-kazakh-russian dictionary of physical terms, Ақтөбе,2018.
2. N.Zhanturina, Molecular physics. -Aktobe: K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, 2020. – 100 р.
3. Myasnikova L.N. Electricity and Magnetism. -Aktobe: K.Zhubanov Aktobe RegionalState University, 2019. -112 h.
4. I. F. Spivak-Lavrov, M. S. Kurmanbay, B. O. Sarsenbayev “Solutions of Olympiad problems in physics”: educational and methodological manual, 2019-2020
Professional development of the department staff:
- Docent A. K. Zhubaev, Online seminar “Information tools for the analysis of scientific activity”, September 17-27, 2018.
- DocentZhubaev A., English courses within the framework of intensive training program of pedagogical personnel, June 18 – August 31 2018, Almaty.
- Associate Professor, PhD Zhanturina N. N. Foreign internship. Competence based and student oriented approach to teaching. Development of new competences for professors. Brussel. Belgium. Modern Research and Education Institute. University Leuven. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 72 hours, certificate
- Senior teacher Toremurat A. Kh., Seminar “Innovative approaches to training professional personnel in higher education”, certificate, 72 hours, Empire of knowledge, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
- Senior lecturer Toremurat A. Kh., Seminar “Electronic library: computer technologies in education”, Certificate of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov and Epigraph Publishing house in Almaty.
- Teacher Istlyaup A. S., Seminar “Electronic library: computer technologies in education”, Certificate of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov And publishing house “Epigraph” Almaty.
- Teacher B. O. Sarsenbaev, Seminar “Electronic library: computer technologies in education”, Certificate of the ARSU named after K. Zhubanov and the Epigraph publishing House in Almaty.
- Ph. D., Assoc.Professor Myasnikova L. N., advanced training Course on the topic: “Methods of teaching subjects in English” in the amount of 72 academic hours, 20.03. -02.04.2019, training center “Empire of knowledge”.
- PhD, senior teacher Aimaganbetova Z. K., advanced training Course on the topic: “Methods of teaching subjects in English” in the amount of 72 academic hours, 20.03. -02.04.2019, training center “Empire of knowledge”.
- Ph. D., Assoc.Professor Myasnikova L. N., course “Scientific journals of Kazakhstan: realities and prospects of development”, Almaty, Kazzhenpu, June 26, 2019
- Ph. D., Assoc.Professor Myasnikova L. N., course “English ” Intermediate”, Eastern Mediterranean University (North Cyprus), July 2019, 72 hours.
- Ph. D., Assoc.Professor Myasnikova L. N., course “Educational Technology”, Eastern Mediterranean University (North Cyprus), July 2019, 72 hours
- Ph. D., Assoc.Professor Myasnikova L. N., Scientific internship. Laboratory of ionic crystal physics, University of Tartu (Estonia). November 4-16, 2019, 72 hours
- Teacher Kaliev a.m. advanced training Courses on the topic: “Development of professional competence of teachers in the context of the transition of the alphabet from Kazakh to Latin graphics” Aktobe, 2019, training center “Bilim alany” November 25-December 11, 2019, 72 hours
- Associate Professor Sagimbayeva S. J., “Guartela Bilim Beru asked interesting asindi Geary excellent renderinga semenawi of pedagogical tekhnologiyalar”, JSC CRK “Orleu”, Almaty-Aktobe, the Program of improvement of qualification of teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities, 29.04.2019 G. – 21.06.2019 g, 260 h
- PhD, senior teacher Aimaganbetova Z. K., advanced training Courses on the topic: “Development of professional competence of teachers in the context of the transition of the alphabet from the Kazakh language to Latin graphics”, Aktobe, 2019, training center ” Bilim alany»
- Associate Professor, Sagimbayeva S. J.,t course “Arnie ponderd oito dersinde pndc-tldc kerchen oito”, ARSU them.To.Zhubanov, 09-20.01.2020, 72 hours.
- PhD, senior lecturer Aimaganbetov Z. K., course on “Arnie ponderd oito dersinde pndc-tldc kerchen oito”, ARSU them.To.Zhubanov, 09-20.01.2020, 72 hours.
- PhD, senior teacher Aimaganbetova Z. K., course “Fundamentals of labor legislation”, Aktobe, 2019, training center “Bilim alany” 19-31. 12. 2019, 72 hours.
- Senior teacher Shanina Z. K., Advanced training course «Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. Support of innovative pedagogical technologies”. 17.11-27.11.2020, 72 hours, certificate of completion of the course No. 670. Training center “Bilim alany”, Aktobe.
- Senior teacher Amantaeva A. Sh. Advanced training course «Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. Support of innovative pedagogical technologies”. 17.11-27.11.2020, 72 hours, certificate of completion of the course No. 669. Educational center “Bilim Alay”, Aktobe
- Senior teacher Toremurat A. Kh. Advanced training course «Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. Support of innovative pedagogical technologies”. 17.11-27.11.2020, 72 hours, certificate of completion of the course No. 671.Training center “Bilim alany”, Aktobe.
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar). Certificate of successful completion of the course “Development of interactive electronic courses” in the amount of 36 hours. ARU named after K. Zhubanov Reg. No. 1513 28.08.2020
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar). Certificate of successful completion of the course “Internet platforms for creating tests” in the amount of 36 hours. ARU named after K. Zhubanov Reg. no. 1457.28.08.2020
- Teacher Berseneva A. B. Outhouse FPC (webinar) Certificate of participation in the international online conference on the topic: «Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Ed EFL Teaching». Skyes University SkyTeach. 09-10. 10. 2020.
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar). Certificate of participation in the international online conference on the topic: “T-Charger I Training technologies” of the NISH Aktobe. 20-21. 11. 2020
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar). Certificate of participation in the international online Olympiad among English language teachers. Diploma of the 1st degree. No. X-0161708 18.11.2020 International prekt “Ustaz tilegi”.
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar) Certificate of participation for 1 hour. webinar on the topic: “CLIL and EMI University Secondary School: Some research data in Italy” by Ernesto Macaro 11 November 2020 British Council
- Teacher Berstenova A. B. FPC (webinar) Certificate of participation for 1 hour. webinar on the topic: “Do pre-session courses prepare students for disciplinary classes?”. Marion Heron and Doris Dippold 11 November 2020 British Council
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Biliktilik courses “Test kuruga arnalgan platformasy” 10.08-28.08.2020 Certificate (36 hours) of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov.
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Biliktilik courses “Vertualdy zerthanalardy koldanu” 10.08-20.08.2020 Certificate (18 hours) of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov.
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Biliktilik courses “Interaktivti elektrondy kurstardy dayyndau” 10.08-28.08.2020 Certificate (36 hours) of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Online seminar “Development of academic reading skills in the university library” 20.10.2020 Certificate IPR MEDIA Moscow, Russia
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Online seminar “The third mission of the university: the university as a driver of socio-economic development of the region”
- 23.10.2020 certificate IPR MEDIA Moscow, Russia
- Teacher Baizhanova A. A. Online seminar “Effective combination of full-time and distance learning in hotel service technologies” 23.10.2020 Certificate IPR MEDIA Moscow, Russia
- 39.Teacher Baizhanova A. A. online seminar “learning methods of grammatical skills in foreign language in school and University”. 03.11.2020 certificate IPR MEDIA Moscow, Russia
- Prepodavatel Kaliev a.m.” modern pedagogical technologies in the context of updated educational content ” 21.09 – 2.10. 2020, 72 h., Certificate No. 00880. Empire of knowledge, Aktobe, 2020
- Prepodavatel Abdrakhmanov A. E.” modern pedagogical technologies in the context of updated educational content ” 21.09 – 2.10. 2020, 72 h., Certificate No. 00776. Empire of knowledge, Aktobe, 2020
Research work:
According to the results of scientific studies in recent years, teachers of the department have become the authors of the following patents:
1. Shunkeev K. sh., Grinberg M., Zhanturina N. N., Barmina A. A., Myasnikova L. N. Method for enhancing the luminescence of a La2O2S crystal by activating rare-earth ions and applying high hydrostatic compression // Patent for invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 33557 dated 29.03.2019
2. Shunkei K. S., A. Z. Bekeshev, Kurmanbaev A. S., Myasnikova L. N., Zhubanysheva M. Soap lump in diatomite // Utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 4336 dated 01.10.2019
3. Spivak-Lavrov I. F. Spivak-Lavrov Igor Feliksovich(KZ); Baisanov Horde abdualievich Baysanov Orda Abdualiyevich(KZ) Collimator lens a prism mass spectrometer // Patent for invention No. 33504 dated 07.03.2019
4. Kurmanbaev A. sh., Bekeshev A. Z., Tastanova L. K., Akhmetova M. K. Set of plates for storm sewer drain with a spike-groove connection // Utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 4079 dated 21.02.2019
5. Zhumabek Nurbek zhumabekuly Zhumabek Nurbek zhumabekuly(KZ); Akhmetova Marzhan Kushkinbayevna Akhmetova Marzhan Kushkinbayevna(KZ); kurmanbayev Amidulla Shazadayevich 6. Kurmanbayev Amidulla Shazadayevich(KZ); Bekeshev Amirbek Zarlykovich Bekeshev Amirbek zarlykovich(KZ) set of plates for storm Drain // Utility model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 3532 dated 11.01.2019
Статьи в базе Scopus и Web of Science:
By the results of scientific researches resent years the teachers of the department published articles in peer reviewed journals in «Scopus» and «Web of Knowledge» databases:
- D.M. Sergeyev, N.N. Zhanturina Simulation of Electrical Characteristics of Switching Nanostructures “Pt – TiO – Pt” and “Pt – NiO – Pt” with Memory // RADIO ENGINEERING, VOL. 28, NO. 4 DOI: 10.13164/re.2019.0001
- К. Шункеев, А. Лущик, Л. Мясникова, Ш. Сагимбаева, Ж. Убаев, З. Аймаганбетова. Деформационно-стимулированная Ex-люминесценция в монокристалле RbI // Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2019, т. 45, № 10, c. 1323–1327
- Myasnikova L., Istlyaup A., Sergeyev D., Zhanturina N., Shunkeyev K., Popov A. Computer simulations of the band structure and density of states of the linear chains of NaCl ions // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. – 2019. – Vol. 4. P. 49-56
- D.M. Sergeyev Computer Simulation of the Electrotransport Characteristics of the “Au – Bipyridine – Au” Nanocontact // Journal of nano- and electronic physics Vol. 11 No 4, 04023(5pp) (2019) DOI: 10.21272/jnep.11(4).04023
- Zhubaev A.K., Mukhanbetzhan T.S., Yerezhepova S.K. Modelling of phase composition of Sn-Fe layered system obtained by ion-plasma sputtering // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1281 (2019) 012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1281/1/012097
- Zhubaev A.K., Yerezhepova S.K., Mukhanbetzhan T.S. Modelling of Mossbauer spectra of layered metal systems obtained by ion-plasma sputtering // IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1393 (2019) 012155 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1393/1/012155
- I.F. Spivak-Lavrov, T.S. Kalimatov, T. Zh Shugaeva Prismatic mass analyzer with the conical achromatic prism and transaxial lenses // International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2019,, 444 (2019) 116180
- Merzadinova G.T., Sakipov K.E., Sharifov D.M., Mirzo A., Bekeshev A.Z. Laser photoacoustics method for determination of the coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of materials // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 2019, Vol.16, No.1(31)
- A. S. Mostovoy, A. S. Nurtazinaa, Yu. A. Kadykovaa, and A. Z. Bekeshev Highly Efficient Plasticizers-Antipirenes for Epoxy Polymers // GENERAL-PURPOSE MATERIALS, , published in Perspektivnye Materialy, 2019, No. 2, pp. 36–43
- Shunkeyev K., Lushchik A., Myasnikova L., Sagimbaeva Sh., Ubaev Zh., Aimaganbetova Z. Deformation-stimulated Ex luminescence in a RbI single crystal // Low Temperature Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 45. – P. 1127-1130 Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B
- Myasnikova L., Shunkeyev K., Zhanturina N., Ubaev Zh., Barmina A., Sagimbaeva Sh., Aimaganbetova Z. Luminescence of self-trapped excitons in alkali halide crystals at low temperature uniaxial deformation // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. – 2020. – Vol. 464. – P. 95-99
- Sergeyev, D.M.Myasnikova, L.N., Shunkeyev, K.S. Computer Simulation of Spin Filtration Properties of Zigzag-Edged OctagrapheneNanoribbon Saturated with Hydrogen Atoms. Russian Physics Journal Volume 63, Issue 2, 1 June 2020, Pages 303-310
- Sergeyev, D.M Specific Features of Electron Transport in a Molecular Nanodevice Containing a Nitroamine Redox Center. Technical PhysicsVolume 65, Issue 4, 1 April 2020, Pages 573-577
- Shuyushbayeva, N.N.aEmailAuthor, Sagimbaeva, S.Z.b, Mussenova, E.K.c, Bizhanova, K.B.d, Zhanturina, N.N. Reduction of defective conditions of the wind power plant operation at reserving the operation modes of alternative energy. PeriodicoTcheQuimica Volume 17, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 976-997
- Spivak-Lavrov I.F.,BaisanovА.О. ,YakushevЕ.М., , NazarenkoЛ.М. Time-of-flight mass spectrometers based on a wedge-shaped electrostatic mirror with a two-dimentional field. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
- Spivak-Lavrov I.F., ShugaevaT.Zh., Sharipov S.U. Solutions of the Laplace equation in cylindrical coordinates, driven to2D harmonic potentials. 215, Burlington: Academic Press, 2020. – P. 181-193. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics.
- AmirbekBekeshev,AntonMostovoy, LyazzatTastanova, YuliaKadykova.,SvetlanaKalganova, MarinaLopukhova. Reinforcement of Epoxy Composites with Application of Finely-ground Ochre and Electrophysical Method of the Composition Modification. Polymers 2020, 12(7), 1437;
- Myasnikova, K. Shunkeyev, N. Zhanturina, Zh. Ubaev, A. Barmina, Sh.Sagimbaeva, Z. Aimaganbetova Luminescence of self-trapped excitons in alkali halide crystals at low temperature uniaxial deformation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B, Vol. 464, 2020, P.95-99
- Sergeyev, D.M.Myasnikova, L.N., Shunkeyev, K.S.Computer Simulation of Spin Filtration Properties of Zigzag-Edged OctagrapheneNanoribbon Saturated with Hydrogen Atoms. Russian Physics Journal. Volume 63, Issue 2, 1 June 2020, Pages 303-310
- Sergeyev, D.M Specific Features of Electron Transport in a Molecular Nanodevice Containing a Nitroamine Redox Center. Technical PhysicsVolume 65, Issue 4, 1 April 2020, Pages 573-577
- Sergeyev, D. Single electron transistor based on endohedralmetallofullerenes Me@C60 (Me = Li, Na, K). Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics Volume 12, Issue 3, 2020, Номер статьи 03017
- Shuyushbayeva, N.N.aEmailAuthor, Sagimbaeva, S.Z.b, Mussenova, E.K.c, Bizhanova, K.B.d, Zhanturina, N.N. Reduction of defective conditions of the wind power plant operation at reserving the operation modes of alternative energy. PeriodicoTcheQuimica Volume 17, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 976-997
- Zhanturina, L. Myasnikova, K. Shunkeyev,A. Maratova, A. I. Popov Efficiency of H center stabilization in alkali halide crystals at low-temperature uniaxial deformation. Low Temperature Physics/FizikaNizkikhTemperatur, 2020, vol. 46, No. 12
- Spivak-Lavrov I.F.,BaisanovА.О. ,YakushevЕ.М., , NazarenkoЛ.М. Time-of-flight mass spectrometers based on a wedge-shaped electrostatic mirror with a two-dimensional field34 (4), (2020) / – № e8590, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,
- A.Mostovoy, A. Bekeshev, L.Tastanova, M.Akhmetova, P.Bredihin, Y.Kadykova. The effect of dispersed filler on mechanical and physicochemical properties of polymer composites. Polymers & Polymer Composites.First Published June 8, 2020,
The list of teachers with H-index according the databases «Scopus» and «Web of Knowledge»
1. Shunkeyev K.Sh. Люминесценция и радиационные дефекты в щелочно-галоидных кристаллах при понижении симметрии решетки. – Aktobe, 2012. – 516 p. ISBN 978-601-7391-02-7.
2. Myasnikova L.N. Люминесценция и экситон-фононное взаимодействие в щелочно-галоидных кристаллах при низкотемпературной деформации. – Aktobe, 2016. – 140 p. ISBN 978-9965-884-44-3.
3. SagimbaevaSh.Z.Технология управления механизмом трансформации энергии ионизирующей радиации в щелочногалоидных кристаллах-сцинтилляторах. – Aktobe, 2017. – 120 p.
4. ShunkeyevK.Sh., GrinbergM., SzczodrowskiK., MahlikS., Zhanturina N.N., Myasnikova L.N., Barmina A.A., SagimbayevS.Zh. Сборник материалов по разработке технологии управления оптическими свойствами оксидов, фторидов и щелочногалоидных кристаллов при понижении симметрии решетки. – Aktobe, 2017. – 112 p.
5. Zhanturina N.N. The influence of temperature, deformation and cationic impurities on luminescent properties of alkali halide of alkali halide. – Актобе, 2018. – 114с.
6. Bekeshev A.Z., Tastanova L. Polymer composites based on epoxy resins. – Aktobe, 2019
7. Аймаганбетова З.К., Әбдрахманов А.Е., Калыбаева А.М. Introduction of renewed program idea to the physics teaching practice. Вестник ПГУ, №4 2020 г.
8. Сагимбаева Ш.Ж., Әбдрахманов А.Е., Отарбаева А.Ж. CLIL технологиясы. Вестник ПГУ, №4 2020 г.
International cooperation:
The department maintains scientific relations with the following universities and enterprises:
- Gdansk University (Gdansk, Poland, the memorandum of understanding and international cooperation in the field of Education and Science), according to the memorandum was invited foreign scientists from Poland, Mr. MarekGrinberg doctor habilitat, PhD, professor at the Gdansk University.
- Gagarin Saratov State Technical University (Saratov, a cooperation agreement from 10.11.2015). According to this memorandum was invited foreign scientists from Russia, Doctor of Technical Sciences Kadykova Yu., Professor of Engels Technological Institute (branch) of Y.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University.
- Memorandum of Understanding and International Cooperation in the Field of Education and Science with the University of Latvia (Institute of Solid State) for 5 years.
- A. M. ButlerovChemical Institute at the Kazan Federal University (the contract from 02.02.2017).
- Institute of physics, University of Tartu, Estonia.
- К. Shunkeyev, А. German, L. Myasnikova, А. Маrатоvа, А. Lickevich, А. Kuanyshbek. Automated luminescent unit for measuring thermostimulated luminescence of alkali-halide Crystals. Вестник АРГУ, 2020, №1(59)
- З.К. Аймаганбетова, М.Е. Жақсылықова. Физика пәнін оқытуда сын тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясын қолдану. Вестник АРГУ, 2020, №1(59)
- Спивак-Лавров И.Ф.,КурманбайМ.С.,Шарипов С.У. Электрическое сопротивление в слабо проводящих однородных средах. Вестник АРГУ. – № 1 (59), Актобе, 2020. – С. 37-42.
- Спивак-Лавров И.Ф., КурманбайМ.С. The calculation of the resistance between the diagonal points of the two-dimensional infinite grid with square cells. Вестник АРГУ. – № 2 (60), Актобе, 2020.– С. 3-9.
- Спивак-Лавров И.Ф.,Алитурлиева Д.А.,Шарипов С.У. Краевое поле дефлекторных пластин с двумя заземленными экранами. Вестник АРУ. – № 3 (61), Актобе, 2020. – С. 22-30.
- Спивак-Лавров И.Ф.,Коптлеуова М.М.,Шарипов С.У. Электростатический квадруполь с цилиндрическими электродами. Вестник АРУ. – № 4 (62), Актобе, 2020. – С.
- Р.У.Уахитов, А.Ш. Амантаева. Инновационная образовательная среда как фактор формирования творчества будущего педагога. Вестник АРУ -№2, 2020 ж.
- А.Ш. Амантаева Р.У.Уахитов. Исследование истоков формирования толерантного мировоззрения казахского народа как средство воспитания межэтнической толерантности современной казахской молодежи. Вестник АРУ -№2, 2020 ж.
Development and publication of e-learning resources
Sagimbayeva Shynar
Electronic resources – video lectures: