Achievements of the faculty of the department:
- In 2020, Ph.D. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics L.N. Myasnikova, A.Z. Bekeshev, Sh.Zh. Sagimbayeva, N.N. Zhanturina received the title of associate professor.
- In 2020, Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, one of the founders of the Kazakhstan School of Physics K.Sh. Shunkeev became the winner of the «Man of the Year – Golden Adam» award in the «Scientist» nomination, and in 2022 became a corresponding member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Teachers of the department – Ph.D., Professor I.F. Spivak-Lavrov and Ph.D., Associate professor A.Z. Bekeshev became the winner of the republican competition «The best university teacher-2020».
4. In 2021, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor Sh.Zh. Sagimbayeva became the winner of the competition «THE BEST UNIVERSITY TEACHER-2021».
5. The head of the department, Ph.D. Z.K. Aimaganbetova and Ph.D., Professor K.Sh. Shunkeev became the winner of the republican competition «The best university teacher-2022».
6. Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2022, A.K. Zhubaev received a letter of thanks from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in 2021 – a letter of thanks from the akim of the region, and his honorable work in the field of science and education was noted.
7. In 2022, senior lecturer A.K. Taskaliev was awarded a letter of thanks from the director of the Aktobe regional Planetarium on behalf of the Planetarium staff for participating in the Republican Olympiad as a judge and at a high level.
8. In 2022, Toremurat A.H., a senior lecturer, received a diploma from the Union of Industry Workers of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to the field of education.
9. In 2020, at the SMART CURATOR competition organized by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of the University and the trade union committee, teacher Kaliev A.M. was awarded the nomination «Audience Sympathy». He was awarded.
10. Associate Professor A.Z. Bekeshev won the scientist's project on the topic «Development of scientific and technological foundations for the creation of epoxy nanocomposites with improved properties» approved for financing in 2022-2024 by the decision of the NSC on a competition for targeted financing.
11. Teacher Akhmetova M. won the project «Creation of composite materials based on mixtures of poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazolines) with the addition of nanofillers» approved by the National Scientific Council for funding for 2022-2024 within the framework of the competition «Young Scientist» (Postdoctoral).
12. On the eve of Teacher's Day in 2023, senior lecturer, PhD Ubaev Zh.K. received a letter of thanks from the akim of Aktobe region.
13. In December 2023, the head of the Department of Physics, PhD, associate Professor Aimaganbetova Z. K. took part in the scientific and technical course «Methods of development and evaluation of fireproof engineering materials». The training took place on the basis of the State Laboratory of Fundamental Fire Sciences (State Key Laboratory of fire sciences) of the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, China.
14. Senior lecturer of the Department of Physics Nurtazina A. S. successfully completed an internship at the Department of Technology and Equipment for the production of chemical, oil and gas and food Products of the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu. A. Gagarin. The main purpose of the internship at the Engel Institute of Technology is to conduct scientific and experimental research.
15. Head of the Department of Physics, PhD Aimaganbetova Z. K., by decision of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad, became the holder of a grant for an internship at the British University of Leeds.
Student achievements:
In 2022 and 2023 in a row, B. Taskaliev is a 3rd-year student of the Physics Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Twice winner of the scholarship named after the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The city chess championship among students of higher educational institutions, organized by the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Aktobe city. E. Koptileu, a 3rd year student of the Physics department, took 1st place in the university team. He performed and took 2nd place in the individual competition.
In 2023, at the XV Republican Disciplinary Olympiad held among students of the «Pedagogical training of Physics Teachers», senior lecturer of the Department of Physics, Ph.D. Zh.K. Ubaev The university team under the leadership of took 3rd place, and student Ybyray N. took 1st place.
Among the students of the educational program «Physics» is a senior lecturer A.K. Taskaliev of the Department of Physics of the Republican Student Olympiad at the KazNU named after Al-Farabi Students-laureates under the guidance of:
- 2019 - M. Zhaksylykov (2nd year), 3rd place
- 2019 - Kabas A. (1st year), 3rd place
- 2020 - M. Kilych muradova (2nd year), 3rd place
- 2021 - B. Taskaliev (1st year), 3rd place
- 2021 - B. Karasaeva (1st year), 3rd place
- 2022 - B. Taskaliev (2nd year), 2nd place
- 2022 - Batyrbaeva D. (2nd year), 3rd place
- 2023 - A. Seydolla (1st year), 3rd place
According to the results of the annual contests in honor of J. Omirbekova at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, student of OP 5B05301 Physics Arisbayeva Mayra - Olympiad in physics, 3rd place; Student of OP 5B01502 in Physics Alpysbai Zhandaulet - chess tournament, 2nd place.
Feedback received during the University Science Week
- The best department
- 2020 г.- Department of Physics
- 2021 г.- Department of Physics
- 2022 г.- Department of Physics
- 2023 г.- Department of Physics
- 2024 г.- Department of Physics
- The best scientist
- 2020 г.- Associate Professor Myasnikova L.
- 2022 г.- Associate Professor Sagimbayeva Sh.
- 2023 г.- PhD Ubaev Zh.
- The best young scientist
- 2020 г.- Master's degree Istlyaup A.
- The best doctoral student
- 2020 г.- Shugaeva T., Ubaev J.
- 2022 г.- Duisenova A., Maratova A.
- 2023 г.- Duisenova A.
- The best graduate student
- 2019 г.- Suleimenov B., Nurmukhanova A.
- 2023 г.- Karasaeva A.
- The best student
- 2019 г.- Mukhamedzhan T.
- 2020 г.- Mukhamedzhan T.
- 2023 г.- Taskaliev B.
- 2024 г.- Yesengaziev S.
Branches of the department with which the contract is concluded:
• Gymnasium №51
• Specialized boarding school for gifted children of Aktobe region named after M.Kusainov
• KSU «Alginsky Gymnasium School»
• KSU specialized Gymnasium №21 named after Al-Farabi
• Shubarkuduk Gymnasium
• New secondary school-lyceum
• Aktobe Regional Specialized Physics and Mathematics Boarding School
• Aktobe Regional Planetarium
• Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College
• Aktobe Construction and Installation College
• Higher multidisciplinary College «Bolashak».
Circles of the department, operating since 2019:
- «Methods and devices of Physical Research». Supervisor – senior teacher Shanina Z. K.
- «Preparation of Olympic problems in physics». Supervisor – senior teacher Taskaliev A. K.