Teachers were awarded with grants and titles: “The best teacher of the university RK”, “Honorary Worker of Education of the RK”; “Honored Worker of the Higher School of the RK”, “Medals named after S. Altynsarina”; “For merits in the development of RK science”; The K.Satpaev Prizes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; “Honorary citizen of the city of Aktobe”; grant of akim of Aktobe region «Жас ғалым».

Excellence in public education: d.ph.m.s., professor Sartabanov Zh.A.

Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: docent Niyazmagambetov K.N.

Honored Worker of Higher School: d.ph.m.s., professor Sartabanov Zh.A.

Chest sign named after Y. Altynsarin: docent Utarbaev S.I., c.ph.m.s., docent Kaidasov Zh.K.

Excellence in Education of Kazakhstan: c.ph.m.s., docent Shukirov Zh.Zh.

The award of D.A. Kunaev for young scientists for the best research in the field of natural sciences: c.ph.m.s., docent Zhubaev A.K.

Satpayev Prize “For the best scientific research in the field of natural sciences” MES RK (Diploma II degree): d.ph.m.s., professor Shunkeyev K.Sh., c.ph.m.s., docent Sagimbayeva Sh.Zh., c.ph.m.s., docent Bekeshev A.Z.

The medal “Kurmet”: d.ph.m.s., professor Spivak-Lavrov I.F.

The best teacher of the university: d.ph.m.s., professor Spivak-Lavrov I.F. (2007), c.ph.m.s., docent Sheriyazdan Т.Т. (2009), d.ph.m.s., professor Shunkeyev K.Sh. (2011), PhD, docent Zhanturina N.N. (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Myasnikova L.N. ( 2018)

Breastplate for contribution to the development of science of R.K.: d.ph.m.s., professor Shunkeyev K.Sh. (2006), d.ph.m.s., professor Sartabanov Zh.A.  (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Abdikalikova G.А. (2017)

Honor Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: d.ph.m.s., professor Shunkeyev K.Sh. (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Shukirov Zh.Zh. (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Otarov H.Т. (2017)

Chest sign named after Akhmet Baitursynov: docent Niyazmagambetov K.N. (2016)

Full member (academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan: d.ph.m.s., professor Shunkeyev K.Sh. (2015), c.ph.m.s., docent Kaidasov Zh.K. (2017)

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan: c.ph.m.s., docent , Bekbauova A.U. (2016), c.ph.m.s., docent Shukirov Zh.Zh. (2017)

Academician of the International Academy of Informatization: c.ph.m.s., docent Kaidasov Zh.K. (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Shukirov Zh.Zh. (2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Imanchiev A.E. (2017)

Full member of the National Academy of Natural Sciences: d.ph.m.s., professor Spivak-Lavrov I.F. (2011)

Grant of akim of Aktobe region “Young Scientist”: c.ph.m.s., docent Myasnikova L.N. (2011, 2016, 2017), PhD, docent Zhanturina N.N. (2016, 2017), c.ph.m.s., docent Barmina A.A. (2009, 2017)

Certificate of honor trade union organization of employees of education and science of Aktobe region: c.ph.m.s., docent Bekbayova A.U. (2012)

Fundamental research is carried out at the Faculty, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. “Technology of controlling the mechanism of transformation of energy of ionizing radiation in alkali-halide crystals-scintillators” (2015-2017). (Leader: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Shunkeev K.Sh. Performers: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. Barmina, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Myasnikova L.N. , Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sagimbaeva Sh.Zh., PhD Zhanturina N.N.,  PhD Aimaganbetova Z.K.);
  2. “Development of a technology for controlling the optical properties of oxides, fluorides and alkali-halide crystals with reduced lattice symmetry for obtaining materials with specified luminescent characteristics” (2015-2017). (Leader: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Shunkeev K.Sh. Performers: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. Barmina, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Myasnikova L.N. , Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sagimbaeva Sh.Zh., PhD Zhanturina N.N.,  PhD Aimaganbetova Z.K.);
  3. “Theoretical study of mirror and prismic ion-optical systems and the creation on their basis of highly efficient static and time-of-flight mass-spectrometers” (2015-2017). (Leader: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Spivak-Lavrov I.F., Performers: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kurmangbai M.S., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Doskeev G.A., post graduate student Bizhanova R.B.);
  4. “Improving the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of epoxy composites when micro-dimensional mineral fillers are introduced into the polymer matrix” (2018-2020). (Leader: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent Bekeshev A.Z. Performers: Doctor of Technical Sciences Kadykova Yu.V., Master Akhmetova M., Master Nurtazin A.S.) as well as 2 themes on a contractual basis and 7 research projects registered in the NCSTI.The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is annually successfully participating in the National rating of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan.

The results of the National Rating of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • 5B060100 Mathematics – II place (2016); II place (2019);
  • 5b011000 “physics” – II place (2016), I place (2017), I place (2018); I place (2019);
  • 5V011100 “Informatics” – third place (2016). III place (2017);
  • 5В012600-Mathematics-physics-I place (2019);
  • 5B060400 Physics-III place (2019);
  • 5B070500-Mathematical and computer modeling-III place (2019);
  • 6M011000-Physics-II place (2019);
  • 6М060100-Mathematics III (2018);
  • 6M060400-Physics III place (2018), II place (2019);
  • 6D060100-Mathematics III (2018);

In 2016-2017 academic year students of the faculty won prizes at the republican Olympiads

  • 2 place on specialty 5В010900- mathematics;
  • 3 place on a specialty 5В011100 – Informatics;
  • 3 place on specialty 5В060400 – physics.

In 2017-2018 academic year students of the faculty won prizes at the republican Olympiads:

  • 1 place on specialty 5В010900- mathematics;
  • 2 place on a specialty 5В011100 – Informatics;
  • 3 place on specialty 5В060400 – physics.

In  2018-2019 academic year, students of the faculty won prizes in the Republican subject Olympiads:

  • 3 place in the specialty 5B010900 – « Mathematics»
  • 2 place in the individual competition in the specialty 5B060400 – «Physics»

In the 2019-2020 academic year, students of the faculty won prizes in national subject Olympiads:

  • Third place in the individual competition in the direction OF 5B060400-Physics (Kylychmuradova Meruert, 2nd year). Scientific adviser: senior teacher of the Department” Physics A. Tsaliev)

In  2018-2019 academic year, University students won prizes in the competition ” the Best scientific circle» :

  • Science club IT CLUB second place

In  2018-2019 academic year, University students won prizes in the competition «Gylym kaynary-2019» :

  • Graduate student majoring 6М060200 – computer AskhatRomankulov (2 place)

September 1, 2017-2020 academic year on the day of knowledge the faculty of physics and mathematics took I place in the nomination «Best FACULTY»

“The BEST DEPARTMENT” in the nomination “Informatics and information technologies” – II place

In the 2019-2020 academic year, branches of the departments “Physics” and “Informatics and information technologies” were opened in the Alga school-gymnasium with the participation of the rector of the Aktobe regional state University.Zhubanov B. Alga and Erembetov akim of the district M. Akahagazova

In December 2020, in honor of the 28th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the faculty of physics and mathematics awarded the best students who were active in their studies, science, and social life of the University.

  • The “Uzdik student” medal was awarded to the 4th year student of the educational direction “Informatics” Murtaza Shadiyar Mahsutuly;

On February 28, 2020,in honor of the 85th anniversary of the University, the branch of the Department of physics of the faculty of physics and mathematics was opened in the center “Aktobe regional planetarium”

According to the results of the contest “Best faculty”, which was held within the framework of the “science Week-2020” of the University, the physics and mathematics faculty won prizes:

In the 2019-2020 academic year, within the framework of the “Science Week-2020”, the following prizes were awarded in the “Best student” competition:

• Muhambetzhan TUMAR, a student of the Physics educational program, won the prize in the “Best student” competition

In the 2019-2020 academic year, within the framework of the “science Week-2020”, the following prizes were awarded in the “Best PhD student” competition:

• Prize-winning place in the competition “Best PhD student” doctoral student of the educational program 6D060100-Mathematics zhamanshin Akylbek

In the 2019-2020 academic year, within the framework of the “science Week-2020”, the University won prizes in the “Best scientist-2020” competition:

• “Best scientist-2020” associate Professor of the Department of physics Lyudmila

– badge “Y. Altynsarin “2018; c.p.s. Aimukatov A.T.

– badge “The best teacher of TVE RK” 2016. c.p.s. Aimukatov A.T.

-medal “For outstanding services in the field of technical and vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2016. c.p.s. Aimukatov A.T.

– badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2009; c.p.s. Aimukatov A.T.

– badge “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 1995; c.p.s. Aimukatov A.T.