Accreditation (year of passage, period of passage):
According to the results of the audit of the non-profit external expert commission “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating” conducted in March 2013, it successfully passed specialized accreditation for 5 years. (Certificate No. AB1728, 05.31.2018-30.05.2023).
Training period:
on the basis of secondary general education 4 years;
based on secondary vocational education for 3 years;
based on higher education 2 years.
Awarded degree:
Bachelor of education in educational program 6В01503 – Informatics.
Field of professional activity:
The sphere of professional activity of graduates is: education and development of children and students in general educational organizations, educational institutions and centers; the science; organizations, institutions and enterprises associated with the use of information and communication tools and technologies.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: educational institutions of state and non-state financing, preschool educational organizations, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, technical and vocational education institutions; science organizations: scientific, research centers in the field of computer science, applied mathematics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods; management organizations: government bodies, education departments; organizations of various forms of ownership using methods of applied mathematics and computer technology in their work.
Subject of professional activity:
The subject of professional activity are: the educational process in the unity of its value-target guidelines, content, methods, forms and results; research, innovation, information and analytical activity in the field of informatics, applied mathematics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods; technological process of design, implementation and maintenance of software, mathematical, information support.
Types of professional activity:
- socio-pedagogical;
- educational;
- research;
- organizational and methodological;
- cultural and educational;
- production and technological.
Base practice:
Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools; Aktobe Regional Specialized Physics and Mathematics Boarding School; secondary school-gymnasium No. 21 with instruction in three languages; gymnasium school No. 51; secondary school No. 40; secondary school No. 30; secondary school No. 39; high school number 6; high school number 27.