Passage of accreditation (year of passage, period of passage):
according to the results of the audit of the non-profit external expert commission “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating”, held in April 2016, the specialty successfully passed the specialized accreditation (№ AВ0523, 04.17.2016 – 04.16.2020).
Training period:
2 years or 1-1.5 years.
The awarded academic degree:
master of science in educational program «7M05401 – Mathematics»
Sphere of professional activity:
the science; education; production and economics; Applied Mathematics.
Objects of professional activity:
research organizations, engineering and design bureaus, firms and companies; educational organizations (higher and secondary special educational institutions, etc.); enterprises and institutions of state profile, organizations of various forms of ownership, using the methods of mathematics in their work; administration; Insurance companies; financial structures, business, economy.
Subject of professional activity:
scientific research in areas using mathematical methods and computer technologies; solving various applied problems using mathematical modeling of processes and objects and software; development of effective methods for solving problems of natural science, technology, economics and management; software and information support of scientific, research and management activities; teaching of mathematical disciplines, the organization of the educational process in higher, secondary special educational institutions and other educational institutions.
Types of professional activity:
research; educational (pedagogical); production and technology; organizational and managerial.
Practical bases:
Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of the SC MES RK, Scientific Center of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the ARSU named after K. Zhubanova.