9 scientific circles and problem groups at the departments is placed on the line, in 90-students will participate more. In addition, at the faculty “English Club”, “IT Club”, “Systems and Robotics”, “3D-modeling”, “Codologia-fundamentals of programming” and “Young teacher”, are mugs. This is the titles of the various clubs, mainly physics-problem solving in mathematics, fundamentals of programming, educational technology, information technology and others.

Festivalbar and activists of the youth forum,will participate in contests of skill, including national, international level participation in Festivalbar, implements its projects.

In order to create a healthy lifestyle of students, Republican, regional, city-level University-wide sports events. And also, at the faculty of “Health body, healthy mind!”sporting events, “let’s avoid Harmful substances!”in the campaign against Smoking, and there are often national games and travel on the nature.

The project STUDLIFE

At the gala concert of the STUDLIFE project, the student Senator of our faculty-Umirzakova Banu Gabidenovna received the statuette “Best Senator” and a special award.

IT volunteers

At the initiative of the members of the IT Club of the faculty of physics and mathematics, IT volunteers were created. The goal of the volunteers is to create IT applications, participate in the development of projects, and assist in working towards digitalization.

Under the conditions of distance learning and IT quarantine, volunteers began to share video lectures about working in various programs, using applications, working with an electronic library, and educational portals.

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